Frequently Asked Questions
General Information & Signup
What is MyChart?
MyChart offers patients personalized and secure online access to portions of your UR Medicine medical record. With MyChart, you can:
- View your diagnoses, medications, immunizations, and most lab and test results.
- Easily submit corrections/additions to your medications and allergies; once approved by your provider, these updates automatically appear in your UR Medicine electronic chart.
- Request appointments and prescription renewals.
- Securely and confidentially communicate with your health care team.
- Grant access to MyChart to other adults via proxy access, as well as export portions of your chart to bring to other healthcare institutions.
Is there a fee to use MyChart?
MyChart is a free service offered to UR Medicine patients seen in our outpatient clinics.
How do I sign up?
To sign up for MyChart, you will need an activation code. This code allows you to log on to create your MyChart user ID and password, which you will then use to login to MyChart.
All patients over age 18 will receive an activation code at the end of each UR Medicine visit, so you can sign up at home when it's convenient for you. You can also request access online, or by contacting our MyChart Customer Service Center 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays: (585) 275-8762 or 1 (888) 661-6162 (choose Option 1).
Patients under 18 (and/or their parent/legal guardian) must speak with their doctor in person before signing up for MyChart.
Who do I contact if I have further questions?
MyChart Customer Service Center, available 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays: (585) 275-8762, 1 (888) 661-6162 (choose Option 1). You can also submit a question online here.
Your Medical Record
What test results can I see in MyChart and when?
When you visit a UR Medicine location (inpatient, outpatient, Urgent Care, emergency or lab) you will have instant access to your test results in MyChart. This means you may see results before your doctor; thank you in advance for your patience in allowing your physician time to communicate with you about your test results.
As a reminder, MyChart proxys will be able to view all test results; you can review and/or change your settings.
Since you are viewing the full, unedited results, some of the language may not be familiar to you and might even be confusing or concerning. Please discuss any questions raised by these results at your next visit when appropriate. For more urgent questions/concerns, please contact your doctor's office.
I am trying to graph/trend my labs, and I don't see all my older labs. Why?
MyChart graph/trend reports are only available on those results conducted at a UR Medicine lab from Nov. 1, 2010 and on, as well as test results from inpatient stays or emergency room visits at Strong Memorial of Highland hospitals from Dec. 2013 and on.
What should I do if I notice that something is not correct or if I need to make a change to the information I see?
Your MyChart information comes directly from your electronic medical record. You have the ability to electronically request changes to your allergies, medications or current health issues by clicking on the Add button or hovering over the item and selecting Remove in these areas. Any changes you request will be reviewed and updated at your next in-person visit.
For additional requests, please call or message your provider's office to request the updates you would like to be made. In some instances, providers may elect to make the change at your next office visit. However, if the change is something that may impact your treatment or evaluation of your health status, your provider may request that you start an official Amendment Request process. This process is mandated by federal government (read more here), and is intended to ensure that patients have a forum to discuss disagreements with information in their medical record. Please fill out this form to begin the process.
If I send a message to my doctor, when can I expect a reply?
All messages may be read by any member of our health care team. You will generally receive an answer within 2 business days. Please note that MyChart should not be used for urgent situations. Please contact your healthcare provider's office if the situation requires immediate attention or dial 911 if it is an emergency.
I am not receiving email alerts that I have new information in MyChart. Why?
Alerts only are sent out if new information (lab results, messages, appointment reminders) appears in MyChart. If you are not receiving alerts, it could be for one of the following reasons:
- You put in an incorrect email address when you signed up. Click on Settings > Email/Text Alerts to make sure information is correct.
- Email alerts are being viewed as junk mail or spam by your computer. Look in your Junk Mail folder for email alerts from If you see some messages there, you'll want to change the settings on your email filter so that it allows messages from to pass through (i.e., make urmc a "safe" address, add to your address book, etc.). This is called "whitelisting." For more specific instructions, try this website: How to Whitelist an Email.
If you have checked the settings and you still are not receiving email alerts, please contact our MyChart Customer Service Center, available 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays: (585) 275-8762, 1 (888) 661-6162 (choose Option 1). You can also submit a question online here.
You can also receive an alert directly to your cell phone when new information is available in MyChart. You'll need to opt-in for this service; click here to get started (you will need to login).
How can I get a copy of my medical record?
You can print your MyChart health summary, or even a summary of your clinic visits or inpatient stays:
- Medical Record > Health Summary: Includes Health Issues, Medications, Allergies, Immunizations, Preventive Health
- Appointments > Past Appointments: Go to Medical Record tab > Document Center and click on Visit Records. Select the clinic visit, and click the Download button below to download an overview of your UR Medicine clinic visit.
- Appointments > Hospital Admissions: Go to Medical Record tab > Document Center and click on Visit Records. Select the hospital admission, and click the Download button below to download an overview of your inpatient stay at Strong Memorial or Highland hospitals.
- Appointments > Emergency Visits: Go to Medical Record tab > Document Center and click on Visit Records. Select the emergency visit, and click the Download button below to download an overview of your emergency visit at Strong Memorial or Highland hospitals.
If you are interested in obtaining a full copy or your UR Medicine health record, you will need to print, complete and sign the appropriate patient access form and return to one of the following locations. Sorry, we are unable to process unsigned requests, and at this time, do not accept electronic signatures.
Strong Memorial Hospital
| Use this form and return to: Strong Memorial Hospital Health Information Management Department, ROI 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 616 Rochester, New York 14642-8616 Phone: (585) 275-2605 Fax: (585) 424-2922; (585) 273-1257 |
Highland Hospital
| Use this form and return to: Highland Hospital Health Information Management Department, ROI 1000 South Avenue, Box 55 Rochester, New York 14620 Phone: (585) 341-6766 Fax: (585) 341-8493 |
FF Thompson Hospital
| Use this form and return to: Thompson Hospital Health Information Management Department Release of Information 350 Parrish Street Canandaigua, New York 14424 Phone: (585) 919-3849 Fax: (585) 396-6719 |
For Clinic or Office Visits | Please contact your clinic or office for assistance. |
For Flaum Eye Institute | Please call 585-273-3937 for assistance. |
For Eastman Dental | Please call 585-275-5051 for assistance. |
MyChart For My Family
Can I view a family member's health record in MyChart?
Yes, you can view another person's MyChart with appropriate consents. This is called proxy access and allows you to log into your personal MyChart account, and then connect to another person's MyChart account. UR Medicine offers three types of proxy access:
- Full Proxy Access (recommended): A full MyChart proxy is able to see all items that appear in another person's MyChart. UR Medicine patients over age 18 can appoint any other adult as a proxy. Parents and legal guardians of children under 12 also can request full proxy access. Click here to request full proxy access now, or ask about proxy access at your next doctor's appointment.
- Full Proxy Access (Without Visit Notes): This means a MyChart proxy will have full access, except they will be unable to see view any Visit Notes. UR Medicine is providing access to many visit notes made by your providers. By referring to these notes, you can gain a better understanding of your health, take more active steps to improve your health and build a closer relationship with your care team. Read more about Visit Note sharing.
- Limited Proxy Access: This option is available to parents and legal guardians for their children ages 12 to 17, and allows them to see their child's allergies, immunizations and letters. Click here to request limited proxy access. Full access to your teen's MyChart is available, but requires his/her permission (per New York State law), and must be requested in-person at your child's doctor's office.
More information on proxy access is available here.
Can I ask questions regarding a family member from my MyChart account?
Yes, as long as you have been granted proxy access to his/her account, and ask the question in your proxy view. If you mistakenly ask a question about another individual from YOUR account, the information is placed in YOUR health record, which could potentially jeopardize medical care.
Can my spouse and I share one MyChart account?
Can anyone become a proxy on my account?
Patients over 18 can select any other adult to become a MyChart proxy. Proxies for patients 17 and under are limited to parents and legal guardians.
I'm having problems getting into my child's/sister's/husband's account. What should I do?
Patients over 18 control proxy access, and can choose to start/stop proxy access at any time. If you are a proxy for your child, changes occur when children "age out" of proxy categories. For example, when a child turns 12, proxy access is automatically transitioned to a limited view of MyChart items due to New York State law, which requires a child's permission for parents to continue with full electronic access to his/her health information. Likewise, when a child turns 18, proxy access expires, and he/she must give permission to continue the proxy relationship.
Click on Settings > Access for Family & Friends to see whose MyChart account you can view, and who can view your MyChart. If you no longer see the name of the person under the "Whose Records Can I View" heading, then you should talk with him/her to find out more information. If the name is listed there, and you are having difficulties connecting, please call our MyChart Customer Service Center, available 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays: (585) 275-8762, 1 (888) 661-6162 (choose Option 1). You can also contact us through our online question form.
After I Have Enrolled
I forgot my password. What should I do?
Look for the "Forgot MyChart Username" or "Forgot Password" links right under the white boxes where you usually login to reset your password online. If you are unable to complete the steps online, please call our MyChart Customer Service Center, available 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays: (585) 275-8762, 1 (888) 661-6162 (choose Option 1).
Where can I update my password and email address?
Log into MyChart, click on Settings and select the appropriate option: Email/Text Alerts or Password Settings
I can't see my doctor to send a message to. What should I do?
MyChart allows you to send messages to a provider who you are scheduled to see within the next six months, or, a provider you have been seen by in the past two years. If you believe you have seen the doctor in this timeframe and he/she is not in your drop-down menu, you can ask if your doctor can be enabled for messaging by contacting our MyChart Customer Service Center for assistance: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays: (585) 275-8762, 1 (888) 661-6162 (choose Option 1). You can also submit a question online here. As a reminder, please remember that MyChart should not be used for urgent or acute health matters. Please contact your healthcare provider's office if the situation requires immediate attention or dial 911 if it is an emergency.
Shared Visit Notes
What are visit notes?
During your appointment, your provider makes a note about the visit in your electronic medical record. The note - written primarily to keep your health-care team updated - may include information you shared, as well as your doctor's thoughts about your diagnoses and treatments. Now, you can see these notes online if you have access to our secure patient web portal, UR Medicine MyChart.
Why are my notes being shared?
By sharing your visit notes with you (and with anyone you have granted MyChart proxy access), we hope to further strengthen the relationship between you and your care team and give you more control of your health. However, sharing notes is not meant to replace the ongoing communication you already have with your provider.
How will I benefit from seeing my visit notes?
Reading your notes can help you:
- Better remember and follow your treatment plan
- Better understand your health and medical conditions
- Remember how and why to take your medications
- Review next steps, and easily share notes with family, friends, and other caregivers
How do I see my visit notes?
After your visit, your provider will write a note in your electronic medical record. You will receive an email message letting you know when a note is available. To see the note, you must have an active MyChart account.
- STEP 1: Log in to your MyChart account
- STEP 2: Choose Appointments and Visits from the your menu.
- STEP 3: Find your appointment from the Past Visits section and click View notes link.
- STEP 4: Read your note.
- Note: At times, some providers may opt not to make visit notes available, as note sharing is at the provider's discretion.
What if I don't see a shared visit note?
Not all notes are automatically shared with patients via MyChart, but patients always have the ability to request a copy of their medical record, including visit notes, from our Health Information Management Department. Please follow the instructions from the "How can I get a copy of my medical record?" FAQ (above in the Your Medical Record section) to submit your form.
What if I find a mistake in a note?
Your visit notes serve as a way for your health-care team to stay connected on your care. The notes may include technical medical terms that may not be easy to follow. Your provider is more focused on providing important information than on spelling or grammar, so we ask you to ignore those types of errors if they occur. If you have a serious concern about a note, contact the office or bring it up at your next visit.
Can I view my notes from a mobile phone?
Yes, you can find the visit note on your past appointment in the mobile app.
How can I get the most out of my notes?
- Review your notes to prepare for follow-up appointments or referrals
- Remind yourself of your treatment plan, procedures, tests or appointments
- Look up any terms you don't understand or ask the office for more information
- Make a "to-do" list based on the notes and take it to your next office visit
- Consider sharing your notes with family or caregivers, to make sure your care team is on the same page
Are my notes confidential?
Sharing Visit Notes does not change the confidential relationship you have with your provider. Only you (and any family or friends who have your permission to view your MyChart) will be able to read your notes. Please talk to your provider if there is any information discussed at your visit that you don't want shared with family or friends.
Billing and Insurance
Why can't I see all of my bills in MyChart?
We've recently modernized our billing system, and only those bills generated from this new system can be seen in MyChart:
- Any visit to Highland Hospital after May 1, 2017
- Any services provided at Strong Memorial Hospital, Highland Hospital and all UR Medicine physician practices, lab and imaging sites, and Urgent Care centers after March 4, 2018.
When I pay my bill online with MyChart, will my payment information be safe and secure?
All MyChart payments are made through a secure third-party company called InstaMed, one of our nation's largest and trusted payment networks. InstaMed handles more than two-thirds of the health care industry's payments, processing tens of billions of dollars in payments annually. Using this system means that UR Medicine is partnering with a vendor to keep your information as safe and secure as possible. In fact, UR Medicine is never in possession of your credit card information. Instead, with your approval (via the "Remember my card" option), UR Medicine receives a "token" that may be reused by you at a later date to authorize additional payments.
Can I use MyChart to set up a payment plan?
Yes. In addition to paying your bill online, you can use MyChart to set up payment plans, sign up for paperless billing, and view your statements. We have established minimum monthly payment amounts based on your outstanding balance. You can adjust your payment plan, as long as it meets the minimum monthly payment amount, by typing a new amount in the box under "Monthly Payment of" and then click outside the box to see the number of payments. Restrictions may apply.
Can I cancel a payment made through MyChart?
If you made an error when making a payment, send a message to our Patient Financial Services Team (found under the MyChart Messaging tab, Ask Billing Question) or call us at 585-758-7650 or 888-925-4301.
Can I update my Credit Card on file?
Yes, if you have a new bill or balance due on your account you can edit your saved credit card via MyChart (during the online payment step). Unfortunately, this can only be done if you have a balance due on your account. If you would like to add a new card, you can also contact our Patient Financial Services Team at 585-758-7650 or 888-925-4301.
How do I request a refund on a payment made through MyChart?
Send a message to our Patient Financial Services Team (found under the MyChart Messaging tab, Ask Billing Question) or call us at 585-758-7650 or 888-925-4301.
Does UR Medicine offer paperless billing?
Yes. Look for the Sign Up for Paperless billing under the Billing Account Summary in MyChart.
What if I have questions regarding insurance, statements, or billing information?
Send a message to our Patient Financial Services Team (found under the MyChart Messaging tab, Ask Billing Question) or call us at 585-758-7650 or from outside the Rochester area at 888-925-4301.
How can I update my insurance information?
Login to MyChart, go to the Billing tab, and select Insurance Summary. From there you can edit, add, and remove insurance information. Or you can call us at 585-758-7650 or from outside the Rochester area at 888-925-4301.
Technical Questions
My activation code has expired/does not work. What should I do?
Contact our MyChart Customer Service Center for assistance: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays: (585) 275-8762, or 1 (888) 661-6162 (choose Option 1). After we verify your information, a new code will be sent via U.S. Postal Mail. Privacy issues prevent us from emailing a new access code to you.
How is MyChart secure?
We take great care to ensure your health information is kept private and secure. Access to information is controlled through secure access codes, personal IDs, and passwords. Each person controls their password, and the account cannot be accessed without that password. Futher, MyChart uses the latest 128-bit SSL encryption technology with no caching to automatically encrypt your MyChart session. Unlike conventional email, all MyChart messaging is done while you are securely logged on to our website.
What is your privacy policy?
MyChart is fully compliant with federal and state laws pertaining to your privacy. Your name and email address will be treated with the same care and privacy given your health records and will never be sold or leased by UR Medicine. Your privacy is very important to us. The information on this site is protected by state and federal laws including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
If you have questions or wish to learn more about the privacy and security of your protected health information at UR Medicine, please see UR Medicine Privacy Topics where you can also download our Notice of Privacy Practices.
I was logged out of MyChart. What happened?
We aim to protect your privacy and security of your information. While logged into MyChart, if your keyboard remains idle for 15 minutes or more, you will be automatically logged out of MyChart. We recommend that you log out of your MyChart session if you need to leave your computer for even a short period of time.
I see a "LOGIN UNSUCCESSFUL" error, and I think I might be locked out. What should I do?
If you tried to login five times or more and were unable to access MyChart, we have locked your account for security reasons. To reactivate your account, please contact the MyChart Customer Service Center 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays: (585) 275-8762, 1 (888) 661-6162 (choose Option 1). After verifying your identity, we will give you a temporary password to use to login; you'll then be asked to create a new password.
I received a temporary password. What happens now?
Please login to the MyChart website using your username and the temporary password you were given. If you are using a mobile phone, please use the web browser on your phone. This will not work using th MyChart Mobile App. Once you login, you will see a "Create A New Password" page. This page will ask you to create a new password. You will need to enter a new password of your choice, and retype that new password for confirmation. Once you click next, you will be logged into MyChart. For future logins, use the new password you just created.
What type of computer do I need to use MyChart?
You can access MyChart from any computer connected to the Internet and an up-to-date browser (such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox).
You can also view MyChart from your iPhone or Droid phones. Go to Apple® App Store or the Android™ Market to download your MyChart Mobile App. See the next question for more information.
How do I get MyChart on my phone?
From your smart phone, visit your Apple® App Store or the Android™ Market to download the MyURMedicine App, where you can find doctors, urgent care, hospitals, labs and imaging locations. The app includes access to MyChart, which provides you with secure access to frequently used features of UR Medicine MyChart such as messaging your doctors, upcoming and past appointments, test results and much more. Click here to learn more.
Is my access code my user ID?
No, your access code is not your MyChart ID or password. You will use this code only once to log into MyChart for the first time. (The code will expire after you have used it or after 120 days). When you log into MyChart the first time, you will be asked to create your own unique MyChart ID and password.
I can login to MyChart, but I am automatically logged out once I click on something. What can I do?
For most users (not including AOL):
- Reboot your computer and try to access MyChart again. If the problem persists, try the next step.
- If you are on a Windows-based PC (not an Apple or Mac) AND you are using IE7 or IE8 to access MyChart, you may have the Content Advisor feature enabled on your Internet Explorer browser; adding MyChart to your list of approved sites may resolve this issue logging out issue.
To determine if Content Advisor is enabled:
- Open Internet Explorer.
- Click on Tools and then select Internet Options.
- The Internet Options window will open. Click on the Content tab. Take note of the first button below the Content Advisor heading.
- If this button says 'Disable', this means that Content Advisor is currently enabled.
- If this button says 'Enable', this means that Content Advisor is NOT currently enabled. Please do not change Content Advisor settings at this time.
To add MyChart to your list of approved sites:
- Open Internet Explorer.
- Click on Tools and then select Internet Options.
- The Internet Options window will open. Click on the Content tab.
- Click on the Settings button only if Content Advisor is currently enabled.
- You will be prompted to enter the supervisor password. You must know the supervisor password to add MyChart to the list of approved sites.
- After entering the password, the Content Advisor window will open. Click on the Approved Sites tab.
- Enter in the 'Allow this website:' box and click the Always button.
- Click OK until all windows are closed.
- Close and restart Internet Explorer. Access UR Medicine MyChart.
- If the previous steps do not resolve the problem, please use a different web browser available on your PC. If you do not have other browsers installed, you may download any one of the following web browsers for free: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Apple Safari.
If you are an AOL user:
Please note: This issue has been reported and can be reproduced with AOL 9.5. At this time, there is no known solution.
Please follow these instructions as a workaround to using the AOL 9.5 browser:
- While logged into AOL, click on the blue 'e' icon in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. It is located next to the Windows button (Windows 7 and Vista) or Start menu button (Windows XP, 2000, etc.). This will open a new Internet Explorer window outside of your AOL workspace.
- Type in the address bar of the Internet Explorer window and press Enter.
- Log into MyChart in the Internet Explorer window.
My access code does not work, what should I do?
Please contact our MyChart Customer Service Center for assistance: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays: (585) 275-8762, or 1 (888) 661-6162 (choose Option 1)
I'm having issues logging in using Safari, what can I do?
If you're using the Safari browser on an Apple® device (i.e., iPhone®, iPad®, laptop), and are seeing a login error, you may need to enable cookies on your Safari browser in order to login to MyChart.
- From your Home screen, go to Settings > Safari.
- For iOS 7: set Block Cookies to Never. For iOS 8, 9, & 10: set Block Cookies to Always Allow.
- Once this is set, you should be able to login to MyChart using your username and password.
If you continue to see an error, you may have locked yourself out of your MyChart. Please contact our MyChart Customer Service Center for assistance: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays: (585) 275-8762, or 1 (888) 661-6162 (choose Option 1)