42BCE: Birthdate of Tiberius, 2nd Roman emperor. The stepson of Augustus reignedfrom 14 to 37 C.E. A competent general with a sour disposition, Tiberius cameto the thrown through the efforts of his pushy mother. Tiberius treatment of theJews did not spring from some early form of anti-Semitism. Rather, he was a bitof a clod who made poor decisions, some of which impacted the Jews. He placedpower in the hands of the power-hungry Sejanus who happened not to like Jews.He appointed Pontius Pilate Procurator in Judea, a role that was a classicmismatch between the governed and the governor. And for a period, he banned theJews from Rome, but this had to do with some domestic spat, not religion. Inthe end the true measure of the man was his choice of heirs. Tiberius selectedGaius Julius Caesar Germanicus, better known as Caligula. Caligula’s belief inhis own divinity would create another set of problems for the Jews of Judea andAlexandria.
534:Publication of the second and final revision of the Codex Justinianus orJustinian’s Code. The code reflected Justinian’s hostility towards Judaism. Itcontained provisions that prohibited marriage between a Christian and a Jew(the fear was that the marriage would lead to the Christian converting toJudaism) and placed restrictions on the practice of circumcision. It elevatedcanon law to the equal of civil law thus forcing the Jews to accept theauthority of Church officials. It also forced the Jews to use a Greektranslation of the Bible in their services, placed restrictions on publicassembly by Jews, prohibited Jews from building new synagogues and testifyingagainst Christians in legal matters and finally banned the celebration ofPassover in years when it came before Easter.
1272:King Edward III who continued the predatory taxation policies towards hisJewish subjects that had been followed by his father King John passed awaytoday. In addition to confiscatory tax policies, the King enacted royal decreesinimical to the well-being of the Jewish people including one that stated, “Andthat there be no synagogue of the Jews in England save in those places in whichsynagogues were in the time of King John, the king’s father…and that every Jewwear his badge conspicuously on his breast.”
1380:Jews were killed in riots in Paris.
1384:Jadwiga is crowned King of Poland, although she is a woman. Jadwiga would marryJogaila, the Grand Duke of Lithuania who took the name of Władysław II whenascended the Polish throne. The purpose of the marriage was to unite Poland andLithuania. For the Jews of Poland, the results were less than optimal since thefirst extensive persecutions of the Jews took place during the reign WladislausII and neither the king nor his successors acted to stop these events.
1491:Five Jews were accused of murdering a child in La Guardia (Spain). Theinvestigation was conducted by Tomas De Torquemada, the cleric who would laterlead the infamous Spanish Inquisition. Even though there were no witnesses norwas a body ever found all five were found guilty. Three of them were forciblybaptized, strangled, and then burned. The two others were just torn apart.
1491(14thof Kislev, 5252): Converso Benito Garcia, was among the Jews and conversos whowere publicly executed today during an auto-da-fé was held outside of Ávilawhich was part of yet another Blood Libel that produced yet another saint “theHoly child of La Guardia.”
1497:Gershon Soncino published a copy of “Talmud Babli Sanhedrin” at Barco.
1500:In Pilsen, “Kaspar Bernášek is shown to owe 100 Meissen thalers or 50 Bohemiancoppers to the Jew Mekl and his son Turek. In the event of non-repayment, theyhad the right to sell his possessions and hereby to avoid damages, althoughwithout having the right to any interest payments”
1628:Francis Willoughby, 5th Baron Willoughby of Parham, under whose leadership agroup of Sephardic Jews migrated to Suriname in 1652 and “settled in theJodensavanne area” married Elizabeth Cecil today.
1694(28thof Cheshvan): Rabbi David Lida, author of Be’er Mayim Hayyim, passed away
1745:In Trier Rabbi Isaac Sinzheim and his wife gave birth to Joseph David Sinzheim,the Chief Rabbi of Strasbourg.
1748:Abraham Franks, the London born on of Naphtali Hart Franks and Abigail SaraPhila Franks, the husband of Catherine Franks and father of Sarah Franks; PhilaFranks and Charlotte Franks passed wa today,
1756(23rd of Cheshvan): Rabbi Isaac ben Samuel Lampronti, author of Pahad Yizhak,passed away.
1759:The will of Reuben Adolphus, the brother of “Simon, Samuel and Dr. JoyoAdolphus” and the nephew of Simon Adolphus which contained a bequest forSolomon Henry and name Sir Joseph Hankey and Michael Adolphus was probatedtoday.
1762(30thof Cheshvan, 5523): Rosh Chodesh Kislev
1765:Spanishtown, Jamaica native Abraham Rodrigues de Leon and his wife gave birthto Rebecca de Leon.
1773(1stof Kislev, 5534): Rosh Chodesh, Kislev
1773(1stof Kislev, 5534): Juda Etting passed away “at sea” today while “on his way toSurinam from New York City.”
1778:Birthdate of Joseph Etting, the son of Elijah Etting not to be confused withJoseph Etting, the son of Solomon Etting.
1779:Sixty-three-year-old naturalist and explorer Pehr Kalm who on his visit to theUnited States in 1748 described the Jews of New York as forming “a considerableportion of the population” passed away today He also said the Jews “had storesand fine houses and ships, and a flourishing synagogue and enjoyed all theprivileges of other citizens. The youngJews, especially when away from home, made no scruple about eating pork whenthe opportunity offered.”
1780:In Buttenhausen, Germany, Melia and Jacob Strauss gave birth to Hirsch Strauss,the husband of Rebecca Strauss with whom he had four children.
1793:“Jacob de Beer was employed today by the Dutch East India Company.
1794(23rdof Cheshvan, 5555): Saul Berlin passed away in London. Born in 1740, he “was aGerman Talmudist and one of the most learned Jews of the Mendelssohnianperiod.”
1794: Abigail Dias, the daughter of Haham Moses Cohen d'Azevedo and Sara deHaham Moses Cohen D'Azevedo and her husband Isaac Haim de Abraham de Jacob Diasgave birth to Hannah Carcas, the wife of Joseph Carcas.
1801:The New York Post was founded today under the name of the New YorkEvening Post by Alexander Hamilton who was born to a Jewish mother inCharlestown, Nevis.
1803(1stKislev, 5564): Rosh Chodesh Kislev
1803:In Frankfurt am Main, Jacob Hirsch Kann, the “son of Miriam and Isaac JacobKann” and Jetta Kahnn gave birth to Philip Kann.
1803:Birthdate of Heinrich Ewald the German theologian and author whose worksincluded Complete Court on the Hebrew Language, The Poetical Books ofthe Old Testament, History of the People of Israel and Antiquitiesof the People of Israel.
1811:In Amsterdam, “Abraham Juda Delmonte / van den Berg and Rebecca / Ribca Abrahamda Silva Abenatar” gave birth to Abraham Delmonte the husband of Sara Rimini.
1818:Two days after she had passed away, 67 year old Lydia Cohen, the wife of LeviBarent Cohen with whom she had seven children, was buried today at the BradyStreet Jewish Cemetery.
1819:Birthdate of Wilhelm Marr, the ner-do-well who married three Jewish women,became a leader in the modern German anti-Semitism movement and then recantedhis beliefs towards the end of his life.
1821:Missouri trader William Becknell arrives in Santa Fe, New Mexico over a routethat became known as the Santa Fe Trail which enjoyed a Golden Era of tradethat lasted until the early 1850’s. Jews were reluctant to be identified assuch since New Mexico was still thought to be within the jurisdiction of theInquisition. Apparently a Prussian Jew named Albert Speyer had no such qualmsand he conducted trading operations on the Santa Fe Trail and in Mexico itselfin the early 1840’s
1825:Jacob Abraham Wood married Hannah Simmons at the Hambro Synagogue today.
1827OS(9th of Kislev, 5588): Fifty-four-year-old Dovber Schneuri, thesecond Lubavitcher Rebbe also known as the Mittler Rebbe (or Middle Rebbe) whowas the son of Shneur Zalman of Liabi, the found Chabad Lubavitch and whose daughter Chaya Mushka married hercousin Menachem Mendel Schneersohn who became the third rebbe, passed today onhis birthday, according to the Hebrew calendar.
1827:Birthdate of Charles Eliot Norton, the Harvard professor, whose friendship withJames Loeb was so meaningful that Loeb, the Jewish banker and philanthropistcreated The Charles Eliot Norton Memorial Lectureship in his honor.
1828:In Crosby Square, London, Rebecca Montefiore and Joseph Solomon gave birth toMatilda Solomon, the wife of Jacob Waley.
1831:Elias and Sophia Solomons were married at the Hambro Synagogue today.
1833:In the United Kingdom, The Dover Telegraph reported that Fanny Nathan, thedaughter of local china and fruit importer had Mr. Abrahams of Canterbury.
1841:Birthdate of Abraham Mendes Chumaceiro, the Amsterdam native who moved toCuraçao in 1856, where he became a prominent member of the bar.
1841:Birthdate of Landstuhl, Germany, native Michael Abraham, the husband ofCarolina Berg.
1842(13thof Kislev, 5603): Hungarian rabbi Baruch (Benedict) Goitein who “occupied therabbinate of Högyész for many years, and wrote a work on Talmudic methodologyunder the title of "Kesef Nibḥar" who was succeeded by his sonHermann (Hirsch) Goitein and then by his grandson Elijahu Menahem passed awaytoday.
1843:Samuel Strauss and his wife, the former Rosalia Drucker gave birth to SigmundFerdinand Strauss the brother of British MP Arthur Strauss.
1844:Sarah Ann Hays and Alfred Mordecai, who were married in Philadelphia in 1836gave birth to Emma Mordecai.
1845:Israel Beer Josaphat was baptized at St. George’s German Lutheran Chapel inLondon where he took the new name of Paul Julius Reuter. His name lives on today in the name of thenews service he established- Reuter’s.Reuter may have shed his religion but his enemies would mock him as aJew when it suited their needs.
1849:Hayyim Zebi Lerner, the native of Dubno who was a follower of Wolf Adesohn, aleader of the Maskilim, “was appointed government teacher of the Jewish publicschool of Berdychev.”
1850(11thof Kislev, 5611): Aaron Alexandre, “a Bavarian trained rabbi” who became aleading chess player after arriving in France in 1793 passed away today inLondon.
1852:“Germany: Political Movements” published today reported that in Berlin thatnewly empowered reactionaries are seeking to modify Article 12 of theConstituion, which had freed “the exercise of political rights from allddependence on the religion of the citizen…” The change is aimed at excludingthe Jews from the political process so that Prussia will be “a ChristianState.” The liberals are afraid thatonce the Jews are excluded, other groups will be excluded including “the freecommunists, German Catholics and other non-conformists.
1853:The Tenth Anniversary Dinner of the German Benevolent Society was held tonightat the Assembly Rooms in New York City. Joseph Seligman, president of thesociety presided over the affair which was attended by two hundred gentlemen.The attendees donated $2,000 to the society.
1853:Birthdate of Victor Worms, the native of Luxembourg who was the younger brotherof Emile Worms and a prominent French lawyer.
1859:Two days after she had passed away, 56-year-old Isabella Myers, the wife ofBenjamin Myers with whom she had four children, was buried at the Exeter JewishCemetery.
1859:Prussian native Saling Schiff and Katherine Mosely gave birth to AdelaideSchiff.
1860:Birthdate of Jesse Houghton Metcalf, the Senator from Rhode Island, who asearly as June of 1933 “deplored” the racial and religious prejudice of theGerman government in a speech on the floor of the Senate.
1861:Birthdate of Mt. Morris NY native and U.S. Naval Academy graduate JosephStrauss who rose from the rank of Ensign in 1887 to Rear Admiral in 1918 andwas commander of the Asiatic Fleet from 1921 to 1920.
1864(17thof Cheshvan, 5625): Samuel Solomon, the Lancaster, PA born son of Myer S.Solomon and Hyah Bush passed away today in Philadelphia, PA
1866:In Lemberg, Galicia, Samuel and Sarah Rebekah (Flecker) Maroshes gave birth tojournalist and “author of a series of Articles on ‘The Ten Lost Tribes ofIsrael’,” Joseph Margoeshes who in 1898 came to the United States where he“became a member of the staff of the Jewish Day before moving on to the staffof Jewish Morning Journal in 1921, the year before he married Lea RachelStieglitz.”
1868:“The will of Abraham Hirsh was probated” today.
1869:In Jonesboro, TN, Herman and Helen (Guggenheimer) Cone gave birth to JohnsHopkins graduate and University of Pennsylvania trained physician Sydney M.Cohen, “a consultant in orthopedic surgery at Hebrew Hospital,: an associateprofessor of pathology at the University of Maryland and a “major in theReserve Corps, U.S.A.” who was the husband of Bessie Skutch, vice president ofthe Baltimore Hebrew Congregation and and a member of the “Medical Veterans ofthe World War.”
1870(22ndof Cheshvan, 5631): Fifty-three-year-old Rosine Reele Erlanger, the German borndaughter of the daughter of Jakob Mayer Moos and Jeanette Scheinle Moos, thewife of Simon (Schimele) Erlanger and motherof Isidor Erlanger; Abraham Erlanger and Jeanette Erlanger passed away todayafter which she was buried in the Jewish Cemetery in Baden, Germany.
1871:“Cruelties Practiced by Poultry Dealers” published today described activitiesat the so-called “Jews’ Washington Market” on Essex Street which is home to alarge number of butchers and their coops of chicken.
1872(15thof Cheshvan, 5633): Parashat Vayera
1872(15thof Cheshvan, 5633): Emanuel Levie Goldsmith, the Dutch born Son of LevieEmanuel Goudsmit and Magdalena Hartog Goudsmit and the husband of Alijda JosephJoel Goldsmith who was the father of Professor Joel Emanuel Goudsmit passedaway today in New York.
1872:George Joseph Emanuel, the London born son of Joseph and Jane Emanuel and hiswife Elizabeth Emanuel gave birth toArthur Emanuel.
1874:It was reported today that Rabbi Artom officiated at the wedding of Mr. IsaacAbecassis of Lisbon and Miss Helena Ben Sande of the Azores at the PortugueseSynagogue on Bryanstone Street. Theservice included all of the Jewish traditions including the breaking of theglass. The reception was held at theLangham Hotel where Jewish traditions continued to prevail among a weddingparty that included many gentiles as could be seen by wearing of hats by theJewish men during the entire affair.
1874:It was reported today that Carl Schurz will deliver a lecture next Wednesdaymembers of the Hebrew Young Men’s Association in New York.
1874:It was reported today that Rabbi De Sola Mendez will deliver a lecture nextweek at the Lyric Hall in New York City.
1874:It was reported today that the Jews of Chicago have held a service to honor thememory of Rabbi Abraham Geiger, the leader of Reform Judaism in Berlin whopassed away in October of 1874.
1874:It was reported today that those who lost seats in recent Austrian electionsblame their defeat on the fact that there were two Jewish members of thegovernment.
1877(10thof Kislev, 5638): Thirty-two-year-old Heinrich Einstein the brother Herman Einstein , the son of Helene Moos and AbrahamEinstein and uncle of Albert Einstein passed away today.
1877(NS):In Kyiv, Ukraine, David Margolin “one of the leaders of the Jewish communityand a pioneer in the steamer business” and Rosalie Margolin gave birth University of Kyiv trainedattorney and diplomat Arnold Davydovich Margolin who became famous as thedefense counsel for Mendel Belis and who was “a member of the Ukrainiandelegation to the Versailles Peace Conference after WW I after which moved tothe United States where he practiced law, lecture at university and served withthe OSS during WWII.
1878:In Plosea, Rumania, Leon and Rachel (Rubin) Bereano gave birth to Long IslandHospital College trained gastroenterologist Philip L. Bereano, the founder ofthe Jewish Home for Convalescents and Director of the Tremont Hebrew School whomarried Clara Danzis in New York City
1879(1stof Kislev, 5640: Rosh Chodesh Kislev
1879:It was reported today that “Romania positively refuses to enfranchise her dirtyIsraelites, except on her own conditions” which are not those that she hadagreed to when negotiating with the Great Powers.
1879:Four days after he had pass away, 61-year-old Isaac Lindo Mocatta, the son ofMoses Mocatta and Abigail Lindo, the husband of Abigail Mocatta and the fatherof Grace Mocatta, was buried today at the Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.
1880:Birthdate of Minsk native Nissan Telushkin who “served as a congregationalrabbi in Europe until 1924 before coming to the United States where he servedas Rabbi of Congregation B’nai Yitzchak in Brooklyn for over forty years.
1880:Birthdate of Cadiz, OH native and Chicago banker and Congressman Charles S.Dewey, a cousin of naval hero Admiral George Dewey, who commissioned architectDavid Adler, the Milwaukee born son Isaac David Adler and Therese Adler, todesign “the Dewey House” which was placed on the NRHP in 1985.
1880:A patent was reissued to Michael Umstadter for “a new, and valuable Improvementin Jacquard Attachments for Embroidering-Machines”
1881:It was reported today that SS Silesia is expected to arrive soon in New YorkCity with 250 Jews from Russia. A totalof 5,000 Jews are expected to come during the Winter months. “Most of the Jews are farmers and will settlein Texas and Louisiana.” The HamburgLine, whose ships are bringing the Jews to America, has promised to provideKosher food for the travelers “from the time they leave the Russian frontieruntil” they arrive in the United States.
1881:It was reported today that Julius J. Frank is planning on giving a lecture tothe Young Men’s Hebrew Association.
1881:It was reported today that The Porte has told representatives of English andGerman philanthropists who are promoting the migration of Jews to Turkey thatJews will be allowed to settle “in separate communities in all parts of theempire, except Palestine.
1883:It was reported today that in England, Charles K. Salaman has used “words…inthe original language of the Old Testament to compose “A Hebrew Love Song.”(Salaman is a name many do not recognize today.He was prolific 19th Anglo-Jewish composer whose careerspanned 70 years)
1883:It was reported today the President of the Union Trust Company on Broadway inNew York gave David Salzman a quarter when he turned in a check in the amountof $1,250 drawn on the company. TheJewish boy who works as a bootblack “was somewhat surprised at the amount.”
1883:In Chicago, Eli Benjamin Felsenthal and Nettie Felsenthal gave birth AgathaFelsenthal who became Agatha Schoenbrun when she married Leo Schoenbrun withwhom she had three children.
1884:The leaders of the Ladies’ Auxiliary Society hosted their annual reception atthe Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.
1884:Pope Pius X, who when he met with Herzlin the Vatican in 1904 and said that “Jews have recognized Our Lord, thereforewe cannot recognize the Jewish people” which mean that “Jerusalem cannot beplaced in Jewish hands” was “”consecrated” today.
1884:Rabbi Gustav Gottheil officiated at the wedding of Miss Leonitine Huebsch, thedaughter of Rabbi Adolphus Huesbsch , of blessed memory and Mrs. JoshuaKantrowitz, associate editor of theHebrew Standard.
1885:The National Rabbinical Convention, a meeting of Reform rabbis from across theUnited States, opened this morning in Concordia Hall in Allegheny City, PA.
1886:Sigmund and Julia Kohlman gave birth to Alabama resident Flossye Kohlman.
1886:“Curious Will Suit” published today described litigation brought by the heirsof the late Moses Issacks to try andrecover $50,000 that had been left to him as a life interest by his Uncle, thelate Sampson Simson, the noted philanthropist who helped to fund Mt. SinaiHospital. According to the will, uponIsaacks death, the principle of the life estate was to revert to anorganization that would help with educational activities in Jerusalem. Theexecutor of the estate turned the money over to the North American ReliefSociety for the Indigent Jews but the heirs claim they should get the moneybecause the money did not exist at the time of Simson’s death, so it was noteligible. (The court will find for the Society.)
1886:In Glasgow, KY, Caroline Morris and Joseph Korck, gave birth to Arthur B. Krockwho was raised by his maternal grandparents Emmanuel and Henrietta Morris untilhe was six and who gained fame as a conservative political journalist workingfor the New York Times. According to some published reports, during the1930’s the Jewish publisher of the Timesdenied Krock who would win four Pulitzer Prizes a promotion because the paperdid not want to have Jews in prominent editorial positions.
1886(18thof Cheshvan, 5647): Seventy-seven-year-old Jacob A. Felsenthal, the German bornson of Johanna Grunebaum and the husband of Freda Hart, with whom he had tenchildren, passed away today in Chicago
1887:Over two thousand men and women attended the 9th annual charity ballhosted by the Brooklyn Orphan Asylum at the Academy of Music.
1887:Birthdate of Rabbi Nathan Gerstein who “became ill while traveling to New Yorkto get approval to build a new synagogue on Main Avenue in San Antonio, TX.
1888(12thof Kislev, 5649): Forty-two-year-old Arsène Darmesteter linguist and author whoserved as “Professor of Old French Language and Literature” at the Sorbonne whoused the writings of Rashi in his study of Old French passed away today.
1888:The American Israelite, published a letter from Cheyenne, Wyoming Territorythat began “It may perhaps surprise many of your readers to learn that way ourhere on the frontier, as many term it ‘the other end of civilization,’ there isan intelligent and prosperous Jewish population that bids fair to become acreditable congregation in the very near future” as can be seen by the factthat “a few days ago Mr. Max Idelman received a Sefer Torah which was presentedto him by his father, under whose surveillance it was executed in Europe.”
1889:It was reported today that shots were fired into stores and homes owned by Jewsliving in three towns in Louisiana’s East Carroll Parish. At the town of Alsatia “a placard was stuckon the door” that reading “‘No Jews after the 1st of January. If you disregard this warning fire and leadwill make you leave.’”
1889:In Pittsburgh, PA, German Jews Nettie Schamberg and Joseph Kaufman gave birthto playwright and journalist George S. Kaufman, the husband of Beatrice Barkow,who moved to New York where he worked as a journalist before pursuing a careerin the theatre. Kaufman almost always wrote in collaboration with somebodyelse, but he was always the senior collaborator, no matter how distinguishedthe other writer might have been. In their day, Kaufman’s works were almost alltheatrical successes. But most of his works are not known to today’s public.One exception would be three plays – The Cocoanuts, A Night at the Opera andAnimal Crackers – all of which were made into hit movies by the Marx Brothers.Kaufman passed way in 1961.
1890:Birthdate of Roona, Russia native George Feldman, who “emigrated to Canada in1913, joined the Jewish Legion in Saskatchewan “and served in Palestine withthe 39th Battalion of the Royal Fusilers after which he returned toCanada where he married in 1922 and raised three children.
1890:In Philadelphia, PA, The Society Hachnasath Orechim, or Wayfarers' Lodge, wasorganized today.
1890:In “Alliance Colony, an agricultural community in rural southern New Jersey,Anna Saphro and pharmacist George Sergious Seldes gave birth to Henry GeorgeSeldes an “investigative reporter” who was part of a talented family thatincluded his brother, writer Gilbert Seldes, his niece, actress Marian Seldesand his nephew, literary agent Timothy Seldes
1890:In “One of the Persecuted Jews” published today, Herman Rosenstraus, a RussianJew living in the United States provided a firsthand account of the travailsthat brought him to this county.
1890: Birthdate Alliance Colony, NJ native author and journalist GeorgeSeldes. (As reported by William Dicke)
1890:In New York, Rosa Gordon and William Kahn gave birth to NYU and BellevueMedical School trained medical doctor and author Isador William Kahn, the“visiting gynecologist at the Home of the Daughters of Jacob.
1891:In Philadelphia, found of Congregation “Dirshu Tove” which held daily serviceand used Har Nebo Cemetery.
1892:The building owned by Young Men’s Hebrew Association in Memphis hosts thesecond day of the National Farmers’ Alliance and Industrial Union’s nationalconvention. The Alliance is a southernversion of the Grange, which was considered to be a “radical” agrarianorganization by the railroads and the banks.
1893:Birthdate of St. Louis native and Rush Medical College trained physician Dr.Louis Bothman , the husband of Anne Bothman who served as a lieutenant in theUSN during World War and was the professor of Ophthalmology at the Universityof Illinois.
1893:The Russian Jewish immigrants who arrived last week aboard the SS Roland who are still being detainedat Ellis Island will be re-examined today and if they continue not to meet therequired standards will be ordered back to Europe.
1893:Today, when Emmeline Obermeyer turned 20, 29-year-old photographer AlfredStieglitz succumbed to family pressure and married her in New York.
1894:Birthdate of Jacob Samuel Potofsky, the native of Radomysl, Russia who came tothe United States where he rose to become President of the Amalgamated ClothingWorkers
1895:Harry B. Hirsh and Minnie Hirsh gave birth to Rose Wolf, the wife of MorrisWolf.
1895:Rabbi Joseph Silverman delivered a sermon at Temple Emanu-El entitled “TheCharity of the Jews.”
1895:In Luka, Czech Republic, Bertha and Hermann Ullmann gave birth to Paula Ullmannwho became Paula Lowidt when she married Leo Lowidt both of whom were killedduring the Holocaust.
1896:Rabbi Kahn of Rodof Sholom officiated at the funeral of 84-year-old EphraimWolbach who was a co-founder of the congregation.
1896:Rose Landsberg, the President of the Rochester, NY Section of the National Council of Jewish Women which had been“organized in the summer of 1895 with a membership of 40” submitted a reportwhich showed the section had grown to 66 members and offered 6 study circles.
1896:An address by Mrs. Nellie L. Miller of Memphis “stirred up a lively discussion”at this afternoon’s “session of the National Council of Jewish Women. Many of the delegates took issue with herdeclaration “that today the people of her race are lax in their religion,careless in the faith of their fathers “ and could learn lessons from Christianwomen when it comes to “strength and perseverance.
1897:In Johannesburg, South Africa, Isidore Heyman and his wife gave birth to a son
1897(21stof Cheshvan, 5658): Eighteen-month-old Sarah Rosetta “Rosie” Rabbinowicz, theinfant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Rabbinowicz passed away today atWhitechapel. UK.
1897:“Ferdinand Forzinetti, the commandant of the Cherche-Midi military prison, andone of the first to be convinced of Dreyfus's innocence, was relieved of hisposition when his views about the matter became public.
1897:In London, The Relief Committee of the Board Guardians was scheduled to meet at3:30 this afternoon.
1897:Birthdate of Richmond native Henry Stern Raab, the realtor and leader of theJewish community.
1898:“100,000 Given for Education” published today described how Jacob H. Schiff hadcontributed $25,000 towards an endowment fund for the Educational Alliance thatattracted the following additional contributions: Louis Stern, $25,000; B.Altman, $20,000; William Saloon, $10,000; Isidor Straus, $10,000; FelixWarburg, $5,000 and Louis Marshall, $5,000.
1898:The staff at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum and public health authorities includingDr. Dillingham, the assistant Inspector for the Health Department “discredited”reports “of a severe outbreak of scarlet fever” at the Jewish children’sfacility.
1898:It was reported today that Israel Zangwill had delivered a lecture on thehistory of the Jewish people in which he said that “Colonel Roosevelt had saidto him that the Jews in the Rough Riders were among the bravest in hisregiment.”
1899:Today’s review of the most recent revival of “The Merchant of Venice” praisedHenry Irving’s portrayal of Shylock as the best since that of the late EdwinBooth because of its “expression of the Jew’s craft and malice, his implacabledisposition and the bitterness of his hatred.”(Shylock was one of Irving’s signature roles. Portrayals of Shylock have varied over thecenturies and often reflect how Jews are viewed in a given place or time.)
1899:In Harrison, OH, “Edward and Hannah Mary (Hart) Hannah gave birth to HarvardPh.D. Harold Edward Israel, a professor at Smith College, the “noteworthypsychologist and educator” who was the husband of Elsa Siipola.
1899:“Answer to a Correspondent” published today provided a discussion of theetomolgy of “Mizpah” which comes from the Hebrew word “Mitzpah” which “was thename of several places in Palestine” but was first used in the story of JacobLaban where the word is used to describe “a rude heap of stones” that served asa “witness” to the agreement they had made and served a “boundary” marker.
1900:Lissa & Kann, the family-owned bank managed by Zionist leader JacobusHenricus Kann makes £ 700,000 available for Herzl’s use. Born in 1872, Kann wasan aide to Theodor Herzl and was one of the founders of the Jewish ColonialTrust in 1899. He was an active participant in the Zionist Congresses and waselected to the Zionist Organization's executive in 1905. Later he worked onvarious projects in Palestine. He passed away in 1945.
1900(12thof Kislev, 5649): Fifty-nine-year-old Moritz Rosenhaupt the cantor at Nurembergwho is the author of “Shire Ohel Ya’akob” and who wrote a concerto using the 42ndPsalm passed away today.
1901(5thof Kislev, 5662): Parasha Toldot
1902:Birthdate of Weisbaden native Wilhelm Stuckart the Nazi loyalist who attendedthe Wannsee Conference as a representative of the Interior Minister.
1903:Birthdate of Polish native Casimir Oberfeld, the French composer who wasarrested in Nice and shipped to Auschwitz where he died in January of 1945.
1904(8thof Kislev, 5665): Eighty-one-year-old Alexandre Elie Lazar, the Lorraine,France born son of Elie ben Abraham Lazard and Esther Cahn – Lazard, the husbandof Lucie Lazard (Oulman) and father of Elise Lazard; Marthe Alphonsine Lazardand Alphonse Isaac Lazard” who with his two brothers Lazare and Simon found LazardFreres and Company in New Orleans on July 12, 1848, passed away today in Paris,
1904:When police tried to force strikes from picketing today, fifteen-year-old SadieCohen, one of the leaders in the “great east side strike” informed them inYiddish that “we can stand where we like; we’re American Citizens.”
1905:“The diary of a Jewish merchant from Odessa written in the course of thosefirst four awful days of the month when the massacres were in progress werereceived at the office of The JewishMorning Journal” today “impress the reader with the horrors of Odessa…farmore graphically than of the news dispatches that have reached” the UnitedStates.
1905:Police on the East Side of New York were informed tonight “that swindlers werecollecting money in the name of Russian Relief Fund Association and were givingforged receipts for payments that have been made.
1905:“At the Synagogue Beth Hamedrdash Hagadol where the Union of Orthodox JewishCongregation of the United States and Canada” were meeting tonight Rabbi PereiaMendes read cablegrams from Baron Grunsberg and Professor Mandelstam of Kiev inwhich it was stated that disorders in the southern provinces were still inprogress.
1906(28thof Cheshvan, 5667): Forty-three-year-old Gustave Isidore Schorstein, the Parisborn son of Clara and Lazar Schorsteinpassed away today in London after which he was buried in Golders Green.
1906:The house physician at the Hotel St. George attributed the death of RabbiRaphael Benjamin to “acute indigestion” which was probably the result of the“bad health” he had been experiencing for an extended period of time. At the time of his death “he was muchdisturbed over an incident in connection with the recent unveiling of theWashington monument at the Williamsburg Bridge Plaza. He had been invited tospeak on that occasion as a representative of the Hebrews, and the Rev. FatherBelford pastor of the Roman Catholic Church of Sts. Peter and Paul was also todeliver an address, but before the ceremony the priest made a publicdenunciation of the Jews, and invitations to both speakers were cancelled.” (Asreported by “Cyber Angel”)
1907:The University of Tennessee football team coached by Izzy Levene defeatedMississippi A&M today by a score of 11 to 4.
1907;In New York, Anna Atlas and her husband gave birth Ruth Weingard Grayzel, thewife of Harold “Harry” Gregory Grayzel with whom she had one child, RhodaMargaret Grayzel.
1907:Oklahoma was established as the 46th state in the Union. In 1890 the estimatedJewish population of Oklahoma Territory was one hundred and at statehood aboutone thousand. In Oklahoma City the time lag between the founding of the mostlyGerman Reform congregation B'nai Israel and the mainly Eastern EuropeanOrthodox Emanuel Synagogue was only one year (1903 and 1904). By the timeOklahoma was granted statehood, the Jewish population had grown from anestimated 100 living in the territory in 1890, to around a thousand. Signs ofthe establishment of Jewish communities, as opposed to just individual Jewishsettlers, could be seen even before statehood was granted. In Oklahoma City,Temple B’nai Israel was formed in 1903 by the Orthodox Emanuel Synagogue in1904. In Muskogee, Temple Beth Ahabah, was formed in 1905. In the same yearthat statehood was granted, the 100 or so Jews who had settled in Ardmoreformed a Reform congregation called Temple Emeth. Today, the small but vibrantJewish community is centered primarily in Tulsa and Oklahoma City.
1908:“Why Tuberculosis Doesn’t Attack Jews” published today includes the findings ofDr. Maurice Fishberg which say that “vital statistics of various countries andcities have shown that the number of Jews who dies from die from tuberculosisis proportionately smaller than among the non-Jewish population around” andwhich also say that “the main reason for the lower mortality rates of the Jewsis that for 2,000 years they have been city dwellers and have thus beenthoroughly urbanized and adapted to city and indoor life which is generallyinimical to people who for generations have lived in the country.”
1908:In Youngstown, OH, Sarah Grobstein, the Lithuania born daughter of LeizerBenjamin Ipp and Mera Ipp and her husband Jacob Grobstein gave birth to NewYorker Albert Grobe, the husband of Sylvia Fox Groe.
1909:In Detroit, forty-one-year-old otolaryngologist Emil Amberg, the Santa Fe, NMborn son of Jacob and Minna (Lowenbein) Amberg married Cecile Siegel today.
1909:Turkey bans all non-Muslims from holding political meetings in houses ofworship.
1909:Alma Gluck first appeared on stage with the Metropolitan Opera in the role ofSophie in Massenet's Werther. (As reported by the Jewish Women’s Archives)
1910(14thof Cheshvan, 5671): Ephraim Feldman, a “Talmudist” teaching at Hebrew UnionCollege passed away today in Cincinnati, OH.
1910:In Philadelphia, Hortense Mendelsohn and Edward L. Brylawski gave birth totheir third child Jeanne Brylawski.
1910:Birthdate of Superior, Wisconsin native Morrie “Morris” Arnonvich, nicknamed“Snooker, the life-time observer of Kashrut who was an all-star basketballplayer for Superior State Teachers Colleges before going on to a major leaguebaseball career that was interrupted by a four-year wartime stint in the U.S.Army.
1911:It is understood today in Washington that when the “newly appointed RussianAmbassador” arrives the nation’s capital “ next week he will come charged byhis Government with authority to open negotiations for a revision of the treatyof commerce and navigation of 1832” in part because the Russian government nowbelieves that American Jews entering Russia on business are “so well satisfiedwith America as a place of abode” they have no desire to resettle in the Czar’sempire.
1912(6thof Kislev, 5673): Parashat Vayishlach
1912:Rabbi Joseph Stolz is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “Caring for the Orphan”in honor of the dedication of the Marks Nathan Orphan’s Home during Shabbatmorning services at the Isaiah Temple in Chicago.
1912:Joseph Wohl and his wife gave birth to Bertha Rachel Friedman, the sister ofSam Wohl.
1912:It was reported today that “of the 20,356 Jewish immigrants who arrived at” theport of New York “during the last three months, some seven hundred came fromthe Balkan peninsula.”
1912:“An Epoch-Making Book” published today provided Harold Berman’s review of “anovel treating the Jewish question written by M.A. Goldschmidt, the celebratedJewo-Danish novelist which has recently been issued in a German translation.”
1913:Rabbi M.S. Margolis, Rabbi S.W. Margolis and S.I. Andron were among thespeakers at the “services marking the four days’ dedication exercises of thenew building of the Rabbi Jacob Joseph School on Henry Street which begantoday.
1914:The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States officially opens. In 1930, EugeneMeyer was the first Jew appointed to serve as the Chairman of the Fed. Two more Jews have served as Chairman of theFed. Alan Greenspan was appointed in1978. When he retired, Ben Bernake wasappointed in 2006
1914:In Germany, a small group of intellectuals whose leaders included AlbertEinstein appeals for “the prompt achievement of a just peace withoutannexations and for the establishment of an international organization thatwould have as its aim the prevention of future wars.”
1915(9thof Kislev, 5676): Sixty-six-year-old Raphael Meldola, the Anglo-Jewish chemistwho invented Mendola Blue Dye, passed away.
1915:Solomon Weiner and Gertrude Talesknic gave birth to Albert Weiner, the husbandof Sylvia Cooper.
1915:The Fourteenth Convention of the Federation of Zionist Societies of Canadaended today with “the singing of Hatikvah and God Save the King
1916:In Cleveland, OH, Clara and Louis Gottlieb gave birth to Lillian GottliebRonder, the wife of Rubin “Bob” Ronder and the mother of Paul Sheldon Ronder.
1916: A Reuter’s dispatch from Amsterdam received in London says: “A Warsawtelegram announces that an edict has been published recognizing Judaism as areligion in public law.”
1917(1stof Kislev, 5678): Rosh Chodesh Kislev
1917:Premiere of “When Four Do the Same” a “German silent comedy drama directed byErnst Lubitsch” who also co-authored the script and appeared in the film.
1917:New Zealand cavalrymen entered Jaffa; next stop – Jerusalem
1917:During World War I, British forces under General Allenby entered Tel Aviv. Inless than a month, the British Army, including Jewish contingents wouldliberate Jerusalem.
1917:In Ekaterinoslav, the militia finally restores order after anti-Semitic rioterslooted Jewish shops.
1917: It was reported today that The Joint Distribution Committee hascollected two thirds of the $10,000,000 it plans on collecting by Decemberincluding $1,000,000 that was contributed by Julius Rosenwald.
1917: In Warsaw, “Bundist delegates on the Municipal Council demand thatJewish elementary schools applying for municipal subsidy omit Jewish religiouseducation and study of Hebrew from the curriculum.”
1918: In the chaos that followed the end of World War I, Hungary declaredits independence from Austria which Theodore Von Karman to leave the countryand ultimately settle in the United States where he became known as “The Fatherof Supersonic Flight.”
1918: Isaac C. Hirsch, of Company E of the 306th Infantry wascited today for showing “great heroism, determination and courage” when actingas a stretcher bearer on August 27 he carried the wounded to safety “in an areawhich was swept by shell, machine gun and rifle fire.”
1918: Private Bernard Teitelbaum who was temporarily attached to the Thirdand Fourth Platoons, Company D, 306th Infantry was cited today forshowing “extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty” when he gave first aide“to five wounded men” while under heavy fire from shrapnel and “highexplosives” “until he was himself hit by shrapnel and severely wounded.”
1918: Over seven thousand dollars was collected at the Central Synagogue forthe United War Work Campaign after an appeal by Dr. Nathan Krass.
1918: Today, Major Solomon Lowenstein “who was with the PalestinianCommission headed by Dr. Finley urged the need of large reconstruction workPalestine and told how utterly helpless large sections of the Jews in the HolyLand were.”
1919: It was reported today that ‘Fifteen hundred Jewish organizations willtake part in the parade and demonstration which is to mark the "Day ofSorrow," to be observed on Nov. 24 by the Jews of New York City as aprotest against the alleged massacre of 100,000 of their coreligionists in Ukraine.
1919: “The Children's Relief Bureau of the American Relief Administrationhas saved the lives of 1,000,000 children in Poland, according to Dr. BorisBogen of New York, Director General of Jewish relief work in that country.”
1920:In Dresden, Germany, writer and actress Salka Viertel and the writer BertholdViertel gave birth to” Peter Viertel who moved to the United States with hisparents in 1928 where he grew up with his Hans and Thomas, graduated fromDartmouth, served with the U.S. Marines and the O.S.S. during WW II beforepursuing a career as an author and screenwriter. (As reported by DouglasMartin)
1920:Joseph G. Shapiro of Shelton, CT was appointed judge of the City Court today.
1920:A fund-raising drive sponsored by the Young Men’s Hebrew Association ofLouisville, KY is scheduled to begin today.
1920:Dr. Judah L. Magnes and Dr. Joseph Silverman, the rabbi of Temple Emanu-Elofficiated at the funeral of Jacob Wertheim after which he was buried at theMount Hope Cemetery in Westchester, NY.
1921:Birthdate of Ben Weisman an American composer and pianist best known for havingwritten many of the songs associated with Elvis Presley. A native ofProvidence, Ben Weisman was one of Elvis Presley's chief songwriters throughoutthe 1960s. He co-composed for Elvis' movies and stage performances nearly sixtysongs that proceeded to go gold or platinum, including "First inLine", "Got a Lot of Living to Do", "Follow ThatDream" and "Wooden Heart". Weisman also wrote songs recorded byBarbra Streisand ("Love in the Afternoon"), The Beatles ("LendMe Your Comb"), Johnny Mathis ("When I Am with You"), TerryStafford ("I'll Touch A Star"), Bobby Vee ("The Night Has AThousand Eyes") and many others. Since Weisman's outward appearance wasatypical for a "rock 'roll guy", Elvis' pet nickname for him was"the mad professor". Just before Weisman's last meeting with Elvis in1976, Elvis proudly announced to the crowd that he had recorded more of Weisman'ssongs than those of any other songwriter. Weisman's most recent musical scorewas for the 1995 movie Crossroads at Laredo: The Lost Film of Edward D. WoodJr.
1922(25thof Cheshvan, 5683): Forty-seven-year-old German physicist Max Abraham passedaway today in Munich.
1922: Birthdate of Manhattan native George Neumann Spitz who played aleading role in turning the New York City Marathon from a race to a “culturalhappening” (As reported by Sam Roberts)
1923:It was reported today that “a special Jewish Women’s Committee of sixteenheaded by Chairman Mrs. Benedict Erstein and Secretary Mrs. Julius is part ofthe “seventh annual Roll Call of the Red Cross” which has already raised$1,000,000.
1923(7thof Kislev, 5684): Rabbi Shlomo Elchanan Jaffe, the Vilan born rabbi and authorwho in 1889 or 1890 came to the United States where he became the “Rav, of BaisMedrash HaGadol of Norfolk Street
1923:At the Comedy Theatre in Manhattan, final performance of “Children of the Moon”produced by Morris Green
1923:It was reported today that in Dublin, “the Jewish community is greatly alarmedby the murder of Mr. Kahn, whose assailant had stopped him and a companion andascertained that both were Jewish before shooting at them, especially in lightof the fact that “a few weeks ago another Jew was murdered in mysteriouscircumstance.”
1923:The biblically inspired opera “Samson et Dalila” with Mme. Matzenauer in therole Dalila, “the Jewish patriot’s undoing” was performed tonight at the Met.
1924(19thof Cheshvan, 5685): Fifty-eight-year German born American journalist Gustav J.Karger , the husband of Rachel Levison who was also a “member of the RepublicanState Central Committee in Ohio, passed away today.
1924:This afternoon, five thousand persons tried to get into the auditorium of theNational Hebrew School in New York to attend the funeral services for Dr.Menachem Mendel Scheinkin, the noted Zionist leader who was killed in a streetcar accident while visiting Chicago, Illinois
1924:In Kansas City, Goodman Ace (born Asa Goodman) and Jane Sherwood (born JaneEpstein) were married – a union that their fans came to know as the witty EasyAces.
1924:Birthdate of Haim Brotzlewsky in Vienna who made Aliyah to Palestine in 1939where he gained fame as Haim Bar-Lev, the IDF’s Chief of General Staff from1968 through 1971.
1925:In Lodz, Nacha (Baran) Bawnik and Yakov Bawnik, “a baker” gave birth to ChaimHercko Bawnik, later known as Henry Bawnik who survived years of concentrationlife including the sinking of the prison ship Cap Arcona. (As reported byRichard Sandomir)
1925:“The Unchastened Woman” a silent film starring Theda Bara (Theodosia BurrGoodman) was released in the United States today.
1926:Birthdate of Herbert “Herb” Krautblatt,, the only basketball player at RiderUniversity who played for an NBA team – in this case the Baltimore Bullets forone season.
1927:For a second day in a row, The Anderson Galleries is scheduled to hold anauction of one of the most extensive and valuable collections of materialrelating to Abraham Lincoln which was assembled by New Yorker Emanuel Hertz.
1927:In Brooklyn, “businessman Morris Gimbel and Lottie Gimbel” gave birth tolyricist Norman Gimbel who gave us such memorable music "The Girl fromIpanema" and "Killing Me Softly with His Song"
1928(3rdof Kislev, 5689): Seventy-two-year-oldHenry Aaron Guinzburg, the Baltimore born son of Caroline and RabbiAaron Guinzburg and the Colonel of Cavalry, aide-de-camp and chief of staff ofGovernor Stone of Missouri and the husband of Leonie B. Guinzburg with whom hehad three children – Leonore, Harold and Herminia passed away today.
1928:A resolution adopted by the Synagogue Council of America which “profoundlydeplored the interference with Jewish worship took place at…the Wailing Wall…onthe Day of Atonement” was made public today.
1928(3rdof Kislev, 5689): Sixty-two-year-old Gustav Cohn, the “son of Levi and EvaRegina Cohn” and the husband of Paula Cohn passed away today in“Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.”
1929:In Coburg, German, Julius and Katy Wertheimer gave birth to photographer AlfredWertheimer “who for a few fleeting days in 1956 captured strikingly intimateimages of a 21-year-old Elvis Presley just as he was becoming a rock ’n’ rollsensation…” (As reported by WilliamYardley)
1931:“The House of Connelly” starring Stella Adler, J. Edward Bromberg and CliffordOdets which was staged by Lee Strasberg opened at the Mansfield Theatre afterhaving closed at the Martin Beck Theatre.
1932Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Louis Lipsky, Nathan Straus, Jr., Robert Szold and AbrahamGoldberg are scheduled to speak at “a mass meeting” tonight “at the HotelPennsylvania” which is a celebration of “the 15th anniversary of theBalfour declaration” in which Great Britain pledged “support to the Jews in theestablishment of national home in Palestine.”
1933:The United States recognizes the government of the Soviet Union. MaximLivtvinov, the Soviet Foreign Ministers led the effort that resulted in thismajor foreign policy shift, Born Max Wallach, Litvinov was one of many Jews whoplayed a leadership role in the Bolshevik movement and the government of theSoviet Union. Litvinov saw the opening of relations with the United States as akey in the fight against fascism. Litvinov would lose his job in the late1930’s when the Soviets negotiated a non-Aggression Pact with Nazi Germany. Atthat point, Stalin was prepared to do anything to ingratiate himself withHitler.
1933:“Little Women,” a screen version of the novel by the same name, directed byGeorge Cukor with music by Max Steiner was released today in the United States.
1934(9thof Kislev, 5695): Sixty-five-year-old real estate agent and “authority on theHebrew language,” Pincus Tieger who “assisted in enlarging the Department ofHebrew Classics in the Elizabeth Public Library” who was the husband ofGertrude Tieger passed away today in Elizabeth, NJ.
1934:“The White Parade” an Academy Award nominated film produced by Jesse Lasky witha script by Jesse Lasky, Jr and Sonya Levien was released in the United Statestoday.
1934:In Brooklyn, Esther Sperling and David Schapiro, the owner of a stationarystore in Rockefeller Center gave birth to “Steve Schapiro, a photojournalistand social documentarian who bore witness to some of the most significantpolitical and cultural moments and movements in modern American history,starting in the 1960s with the struggle for racial equality across the Jim CrowSouth…” (As reported by Katharine Q. Seelye)
1934:Designer George Salter, whose father had converted but who now found himself“Jewish” according to the Nazis arrived in New York thanks in no small part toan affidavit that had been submitted on his behalf by his brother Stefan whohad come to the United States in 1928.
1935(20thof Cheshvan, 5696): Parashat Vayera
1935:The University of California football team led by Guard Robert Gilbert defeatedthe University of Pacific today.
1935:“Jumbo, a musical produced by Billy Rose, with music and lyrics by RichardRodgers and Lorenz Hart and a book co-authored by Ben Hecht” opened on Broadwayat the Hippodrome Theatre today.
1935(20th ofCheshvan, 5696): Fifty-nine-year-old Camden, SCnative Love Rosa Hirschmann who gained fame as Love Rosa Gann, the graduate ofthe Medical College of South Carolina, who went on to practice medicine in thefields of ophthalmology and otolaryngology passed away today
1936:“The Violet of Potsdamer Platz” produced by Lothar Clark a German Jew who hadtaken refuge from the Nazis in Denmark only to be one of those fortunate“Danish” Jews who found a final refuge in Sweden.
1936: During a discussion today “regarding enforcement of the Nurembergdecrees of 1935 against Jewish relations with non-Jewish woman, State SecretaryHeydrich “stated that the number of prosecutions on this charge was steadilyincreasing.”
1936: In Jerusalem, a rabbi and his wife gave birth Isaac “Ike” Berger theweightlifter who gold and silver medals for the United States at the 1960 and1964 Olympics.
1937: Rabbi Jonah B Wise of the Central Synagogue officiated at the funeralof businessman John David who had passed away two days ago and was buried atMount Hope Cemetery in Westchester.
1937:Birthdate of Doris Bonfield who will be interred in the Agudas Achim Cemeteryin Iowa City.
1937:Pierre Crabites, a Law School Professor at L.S.U. and for 25 years the AmericanRepresentative on the Mixed International Tribunal at Cairo of which he becamethe chief judge wrote a letter to the NewYork Times in which he advocated that the Haz Anim El Husseini, the GrandMufti be allowed to return from his self-imposed exile from Palestine withouthaving to fear arrest for the role he allegedly has played in the wave of Arabviolence. In the letter, Crabites states his belief that the Grand Mufti is akey player in any attempt to bring to peace to Palestine while appearing tosupport limitations on the settlement of Jews in Eretz Israel.
1938:The fifth annual “Night of the Stars” which is seeking to raise $100,000 as anemergency fund for the settlement of oppressed Jews in Palestine” is scheduledto take place tonight at Madison Square Garden.
1938:Following a conference between Mayor La Guardia and Police CommissionerValentine “a special squad was created today to protect German officials andGerman property” which it turned was “to be manned by Jews.”
1938:Birthdate of American philosopher Professor Robert Nozick. When he passed awayin, he was described as “ the greatest American philosopher since WilliamJames; his influence extended far beyond the academic world, most famously withhis powerful critique of the Left-liberal moral philosophy that underpinned thewelfare state.
1938:Radio Stations WJZ and WABC broadcast the “Catholic Protest Against NaziPersecution of Jews” featuring several Church leaders and former GovernorAlfred E. Smith” from 9:00 to 9:30 p.m.
1939:At Lodz, the Nazis ordered all Jews to wear a Star of David
1939(4thof Kislev, 5700): Rabbi Baruch Ber Leibowitz, Rosh Yeshiva of the KamenetzYeshiva, passed away
1939(4thof Kislev, 5700): Sixty-five year Edward Max Chase,the Alytaus, Lithuania bornson of “Jacob and Rebecca Fritz Chase” andLewiston, ME educated president of E.M. Chase Company of Manchesterwhere his civic activities included founding the “Chase Memorial and ManchesterHebrew Free Loan Association,” serving as “state treasurer of all drives forJewish war sufferers and state chairman of the Jewish Welfare Board” whilebeing married to Dora Samplin Chase with whom he had four children – Jasper,Eleanor, Helene and Clara Chase passed away today.
1940:The Warsaw ghetto was permanently closed today Officially Jews no longer had access toanything, or business, outside of the ghetto.
1940:Leon Blum “was transferred to the Château de Bourrassol in the Massif Centralnear Riom, where he was to be tried.”
1940:“South of Suez,” a murder mystery co-starring George Tobias was released in theUnited States by Warner Bros.
1941:“All phonograph records with music composed or recorded by Jews, stillavailable in Rumanian stores have been ordered confiscated by the BucharestPropaganda Ministry, D.N.B, official German news agency, reported tonight.”
1941:“Completion of the formation of a National Council of American VeteranOrganizations, having as member groups the Disabled American Veteran of theWorld War, the Jewish War Veterans of the United States, Catholic War VeteransIncorporated, the Fleet Reserve Association, the Army and Navy Unions and theNational Association of Regulars was announced today.
1941(26thof Cheshvan, 5702): Eighty-five-year-old Jessica David Oberndoffer, theManhattan born daughter of Isabella and Benjamin Hayman Seixas and the wife ofIsrael Oberndorfer passed away today in New York City.
1942:Leopold Pick was transported from Tabor to Terezin
1942:Today, during the darkest days of World War II, a proclamation waspublished over the signatures of 1,521outstanding Americans, declaring the moral right of the stateless Jews ofEurope and of the Jews of Palestine "to fight -- as they ask to fight --under the ancient banner of David the King, as the Jewish Army…They renewed theappeal that has been made ineffectively in the last eighteen months againstArab opposition for he separate arming of 200,00 Jews or more in the MiddleEast.” The declaration read, in part“The first victims of Hitler’s aggression cannot conceive democracy denying tothem participation…in this crusade against barbarism.”
1943:In Manhattan, Edith Hillman Boxill and Dr. Nathan Epstein gave birth to Dr.Paul Epstein, “a public health expert who was among the first to warn of a linkbetween the spread of infectious disease and extreme weather events, adding anew dimension to research into the potential impact of global climate change”(As reported by Paul Vitello)
1943:In Brookline, MA, Mrs. Leah Carey gave birth to Yiddish theatre actor andproducer David Carey, “a co-founder with Raymond Ariel of the Shalom YiddishMusical Theatre.”
1943:Ill Jewish slave laborers at the Skarzysko-Kamienna, Poland, ammunitionfactory, who are lured from their barracks by Ukrainian guards and SS menpromising soup, are gunned down or loaded onto trucks and taken to an executionsite elsewhere in the camp. The Ukrainians killed all those they thought weretoo weak to continue working.
1943:In an example of the law of unintended consequences a planned attempt toassassinate Hitler by a group known as the “Black Band” did not take placetoday because of the impact of an Allied air attack,
1943(18thof Cheshvan, 5704): British forces carried out a search at for arms at RamatHakovesh. When members of the kibbutz resisted, the situation erupted inviolence. The British killed one kibbutznik wounded 35 others and arrested anadditional 35 Jews.
1944:“Warfare raging throughout the world has intensified rather than mitigatedracial prejudice and sharpened the edge of anti-Semitism, Dr. James G. Hellerof Cincinnati, chairman of the United Palestine Appeal, told delegates attoday's closing session of Hadassah, Women's Zionist Organization of America.”
1945:Premiere of “The Lost Weekend” the film about an alcoholic directed by BillyWilder.
1945:A delegation representing the American League for Free Palestine, a Zionistorganization, took off from New York today bound for a meeting of the UN inLondon.
1945:Yeshiva University came into existence (as a university), making it the firstAmerican university under Jewish auspices.
1946(22ndof Cheshvan, 5707): Parashat Toldot
1946(22ndof Cheshvan, 5707): Ukraine native Minnie Balaban Kapitanoff, the wife ofSamuel Wolf Kapitnoff whom she married in 1908 and the mother of Arthur WolfKapitanoff passed away today after which she buried at Waldheim Cemetery insuburban Chicago.
1946:“The Chase,” a film noir produced by Seymour Nebenzal, with a screenplay byPhillip Yordan and music by Michel Michelet was released in the United Statestoday.
1946:At the Music Box Theatre, the curtain comes down on the final performance of “AFlag Is Born.”
1947:Speaking today on her “World Security Workshop Program” broadcast by ABC, “Mrs.Franklin D. Roosevelt said today the United States’ support of the partition ofPalestine into Jewish and Arab states ‘is fair and correct as you look back onhistory.’”
1947:The British seized the SS Kadima, one of several ships filled with Jews thattried to run the British blockade of Palestine.The ship, which was equipped to carry 400 passengers, left Italy filledwith 800 Jews desperate to get out of the European DP camps. The British took control of the ship at Haifaand deported the Jews to the camps at Cyprus where they remained for a year andthree months. Mira (Miriam) Shefer was one of the passengers on the ship. She met her future husband Efriam while on Cyprus.
1948:The Arabs continue to insist on not recognizing Israel.
1948:The UN Security Council demands that Israel and Egypt negotiate Negev armisticedirectly or through UN mediator Ralph Bunche. This demand does not alterprevious order calling for demilitarization of Negev.
1948(14thof Cheshvan, 5709): Former California Congresswomen Florence Prag Kahn passedaway in San Francisco. Elected as a Republican to the Sixty-ninth Congress, byspecial election, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of her husband,United States Representative-elect Julius Kahn, and reelected to the fivesucceeding Congresses (February 17, 1925-January 3, 1937), she was unsuccessfulcandidate for reelection to the Seventy-fifth Congress in 1936.
1949:As the Middle East adjusted to the reality of Israel, Syria, held elections fora Constitutional Assembly.
1949:The Commandant of the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point,L.I. is scheduled to address the members of the Israel Maritime League,including “Commander Joshua L. Goldberg, USNR; Ed Sullivan, Joseph Greenleaf,Roger Starr and Dan Trotsky, at “their first annual dinner at the WaldorfAstoria Hotel.
1950:The last of the 500 sets of the The Survivors' Talmud (also known as the U.S.Army Talmud) was an edition of the Talmud published in the U.S. Zone ofAllied-occupied Germany on behalf of Holocaust survivors housed in displacedpersons (DP) camps” were printed today.
1950(7thof Kislev, 5711): Rochester raised graduate of the Hebrew Union College LouisWitt, the author of Judaism and Healing who served as the rabbi atCongregation B’nai Israel in Little Rock and Temple Shaare Emeth in St. Louisbefore assuming the pulpit at Congregation Temple Israel in Dayton, OH in 1921passed away today.
1952:Eighty-four-year-old Charles Maurras the French leader whose anti-Semitismstretched from Dreyfus to Leon Blum to supporting Vichy passed away today.
1953:It was reported today that Norman Salit, president of the Synagogue Council ofAmerica, “who has just completed a month’s visit in Germany was guest of theBoard of Deputies of British Jews at a remembrance parade of Jewish formerservicemen at Horse Guards Parade…”
1954:“There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays” a popular song played incessantlyin the United States from Thanksgiving to Christmas with lyrics by Al Stillmanwas recorded today.
1954:“Désirée,” a biopic directed by Henry Kostler with a script by Daniel Taradashwas released in San Francisco today. (Editor’s note: Where else but in the United States would youfind two Jews making a moving about the love affair of a French emperor?)
1955(1stof Kislev, 5716): Rosh Chodesh Kislev
1957(22ndof Cheshvan, 5718): Parashat Chaei Sara
1957(22ndof Cheshvan, 5718): Sixty-five-year-old architect Maurice Courland who wasresponsible for designing several Jewish buildings including Temple Beth El inRockaway Park and the Flatbush Jewish Center and who was the husband of RebeccaGraff Courland and the father of Raphael and Nehama Courland passed away today.
1958:Birthdate of actress Marg Helgenberger, the Catholic wife of the Jewish actorAlan Rosenberg who was President of the Screen Actors’ Guild. Helgenberger iscredited with the following quip: “I'm Catholic, he's Jewish, and it was justeasier to elope.”
1959:David Susskind produced “The Waltz of the Toreadors” on “The Play of the Week.”
1959:The Rodgers and Hammerstein musical ''The Sound of Music'' opened on Broadway.Two Jewish writers created a Broadway (and later cinematic) box office hitabout a failed Catholic Nun who married an Austrian nobleman and then escapedthe Nazis. Theodore Bikel played the lead role as Baron von Trapp. Many of youremember Bikel for his portrayal of Tevya in “Fiddler on the Roof” and for hisnumerous recordings of a wide variety of folk music including authenticmelodies from Russia and Israel. Bikel was born in Vienna. His family moved toPalestine in the 1930’s to escape the rising tide of European anti-Semitism. Sohis portrayal of von Trapp struck a responsive personal chord. And all of theaction in the played happened while everybody was singing a raft of verymemorable tunes. Only in America!
1961:Minsk born theatrical agent Arthur Seymour Lyons, who “was well-known forhaving been Jack Benny's manager’ married his third wife Winnifred L. Gilberttoday in Los Angeles.
1961:“Summer and Smoke” a film adaptation of the play by the same name produced byHal Wallis, starring Laurence Harvey with music by Elmer Bernstein was releasedin the United States today.
1962It was reported today that “a proposal to eliminate from the Catholic liturgythose Psalms which have specific reference to the history of the Jewish peoplehas been put forward during the deliberations of the Ecumenical Council onpublic worship…” (As reported by JTA)
1963(29thof Cheshvan, 5724): Parashat Tolodot: Rosh Chodesh Kislev
1965(21stof Cheshvan, 5726): Fifty-year old chess master Albert Charles Simonson who“was part of the American team which won the gold medals at the 1933 ChessOlympiad” passed away today.
1967:Two days after he had passed away, funeral services are scheduled to held for seventy-two-year-oldLemberg, Austria, native, Harry Salpeter, “an art deal and critic” and thehusband of Betty Berkowitz followed by “burial at Mount Hebron Cemetery.
1968:“The Legend of Lylah Clare” featuring Milton Selzer as “Bart Langer” wasreleased in the United States today by MGM.
1969:The New York Times features a reviewof the novel, “Phoenix Over the Galilee” by Ka-tzetnik 134633; translated fromthe Hebrew by Nina de-Nur. “Ka-tzetnik was the slang used to designate aprisoner in a Nazi death camp.Ka-tzetnik 135633 was an inmate of Auschwitz.” (As reported by JohnReed)
1970:At a board meeting of Congregation Shaar Hashomayim of Montreal Dr. Solomonreported on meeting with Lazarus Phillips and Jack Shacter as the congregationgrappled with a financial shortfall.
1971: Funeral services are scheduled to be held today for Paris native andSorbonne attendee Dr. Nathan Edlemean, the CCNY undergrad and hold of a Ph.D.from Columbia, who taught French at two colleges and wrote Attitudes of 17thCentury France Toward the Middle Ages.
1972:“Applause,” a musical with a book by Betty Comden and Adolph Green and a scoreby Charles Strouse opened in the West End at Her Majesty's Theatre today andran for 382 performances with Lauren Bacall in the lead role.
1972:Today “some 200 members of the Israeli Labor Party” broke up the annual generalmeeting of the International League for Human Right which led to the IsraeliLeague for Human and Civil Rights being suspended from the organization in1973.
1972:“I and Albert” a musical based on the lives of Victoria and Albert by CharlesStrouse “debuted in the West End at the Piccadilly Theatre” today.
1973:Today, “The New York Review of Bookspublished a long article by Mikhail Agursky, a cybernetic engineer and Moscowactivist reviewing the anti-Semitic novel Beware – Zionism.”
1976(23rdof Cheshvan, 5737): Fifty-eight-year-old Meredith Rathbone Carb, Jr., the sonof Bessie Brown Carb and Meredith Rathbone Carb, the husband of Ann WhitesideCarb and the nephew of New Yok playwright and drama critic David Carb whosehistorical novel, Sunrise in the West, is about his grandmother, Babette Carb,who emigrated from Alsace to Mississippi, survived the Civil War, and made herway to Texas away today after which he was buried in Fort Worth, TX.
1977:U.S. premiere of Steven Spielberg’s “Close Encounters of a Third Kind” producedby Julia Phillips co-starring Richard Dreyfus.
1977:In Manhattan, “filmmakers Stephen Gyllenhaal and Naomi Achs” gave birth to“actress and producer” Margalit Ruth "Maggie" Gyllenhaal, “the oldersister of actor Jake Gyllenhaal.”
1977:Menachem Begin met with his cabinet to discuss developments since the dramaticannouncement in the Egyptian parliament the week before by President AnwarSadat that he was to speak before the Knesset to achieve peace. General EphraimPoran, and aide to Begin told Colonel Menachem Milson that he had been chosento serve as aide-de-camp to Sadat should he actually make the trip to Israel.
1977:Arnold Wesker’s “The Merchant” with Joseph Leon playing Shylock and MarianSeldes as Shylock’s sister opened at New York’s Plymouth Theatre. Zero Mostel had originally been cast in the role,but he passed away before the Broadway production opened.
1978(16thof Cheshvan, 5739): Eighty-year-old Yale and New York Medical College trainedophthalmologist Dr. Samuel L. Saltzman who fought for Israel during the 1948War for Independence and the husband of Rose Salzman with whom he had twochildren – Suzanne and Jonathan – passed away today.
1978:Jacob Landau delivered the convocation address at Colby College entitled “TheState of the First Amendment.”
1979:It was reported today, that according to Jonathan Braun of the Jewish Week,when John Connally “was about his connection with Arab oil interests” while inthe New York office of the American Jewish Committee he responded, “Isn’t itbetter to have somebody in the White House who these people from the inside…”
1979:Yale trained attorney Richard Ravitch, the Brooklyn born son of Sylvia Lernerand Saul Ravitch began serving as his term as 4th Chairman of theMetropolitan Authority of New York.
1979:It was reported today that Sol Linowitz, who successfully negotiated the PanamaCanal Treaty and who is “taking over from Robert Strauss as President Carter’sAmbassador at Large for Middle Negotiations is also a leader of the Jewishcommunity.”
1980(8thof Kislev, 5741): Eighty-two-year-old six-time Tony Award winning scenicdesigner Boris Aronson passed away today.
1980(8thof Kislev, 5741): Sixty-seven-year-old Philadelphia native and Harvard and U ofPennsylvania alum Morris Pfaelzer, the son Frank and Elsie Pfaelzer a WW IIveteran and California lawyer passed away today.
1981(19thof Cheshvan, 5742): Eighty-four-year-old Ukrainian born and University ofToronto trained mental health specialist Herschel Alt passed away today.
1982(30thof Cheshvan, 5743) Rosh Chodesh Kislev
1982:In Lake Wales, FL Hazell and Carrie (nee Palmron) Stoudemire gave birth toAmerican-Israeli basketball player and Olympian Amar’e Carsares Stoudemire,
1984(21stof Cheshvan, 5745): Seventy-nine-year-old Croatian Zionist Arnold Kohn, “thelongtime President of the Jewish community of Osijek who was the only member ofhis immediate family to survive Auschwitz passed away today.
1984(21stof Cheshvan, 5745) Sixty-six-year-old Washington, DC born cellist Leonard Rosepassed away today. (As reported by Tim Page)
1985:“My Beautiful Launderette” a comedy starring Daniel Day-Lewis with music byHans Zimmer was released today in the United Kingdom.
1986:A revival of the Ben Hecht-Charles MacArthur newspaper comedy, “Front Page,” starringJohn Lithgow and Richard Thomas and directed by Jerry Zaks opened on Broadwaytoday.
1988: ABC broadcast the third episode of “War and Remembrance,” “an Americanminiseries based on the novel of the same name written by Herman Wouk”
1996:“Jingle All the Way” a Christmas comedy featuring Laraine Newman and HarveyKorman with music by David Newman premiered today at the Mall of America.
1997:The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/orabout topics of Jewish interest including The Illustrated History of theJewish People, edited by Nicholas de Lange and A Director Calls byWendy Lesser
1997:Three days after she had passed away, Ruth Fischman, the sister of Jacob H.Fischman and the aunt of Mark B. Fischman, Elaine Zekind, Lois Halpern andBarbara Klibanoff, was scheduled to be interred at Beth David cemetery inElmont, NY.
1998:The plan to settle all of the remaining claims over health costs related tosmoking “which would cost the tobacco companies $206 billion over 25 years andwould restrict cigarette advertising and marketing” and which RichardBlumenthal, the Connecticut Attorney General has expressed reservations is scheduledto be announced today
1999:Martin Indyk completed his service as 18th Assistant Secretary ofState for Near Eastern Affairs was appointed U.S. Ambassador to Israel for asecond time
1999:Premiere of “End of Days” directed by Peter Hyams who also served as thecinematographer.
1999:The meeting of the General Assembly Of United Jewish Communities opens today inAtlanta, GA.
2000:It was reported today that during Senator-elect Hillary Clinton’s visit to theKnesset she could hear Palestinian gunman firing into the Jerusalemneighborhood of Gilonow.
2001:Ronald Lauder opened the Neue Galerie in New York, an art museum a few blocksaway from the Metropolitan Museum, dedicated to art from Germany and Austriafrom the early 20th century.
2002(11thof Kislev, 5763): Parashat Vayetzei
2002:“Iraqi President Saddam Hussein says that he had to accept UN Resolution 1441because the United States and Israel had shown their "claws andteeth" and declared unitlateral war on the Iraqi people.”
2003:The New York Times book section features reviews of books by Jewishauthors and/or on topics of special Jewish interest including Desire andDelusion: Three Novellas by Arthur Schnitzler, selected and translated byMargret Schaefer
2004:Publication of Robert J. Avrech’s The Hebrew Kid and The Apache Maiden, apaperback novel that tells the story of“Ariel Isaacson, who having migratedwestward with his family following the Civil War, is determined to have his BarMitzvah, while he also forms a deep friendship with Lozen, an Apache warriorgirl.”
2005:The Geffen Playhouse, “which was named for donor David Geffen” re-opened todayin Los Angeles.
2005:The Jerusalem Post reported that “in a move meant to pave the way forits entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), Saudi Arabia cancelled itseconomic embargo against Israel. Israel is a member of the WTO. Under thebylaws of the WTO charter, no member nation may impose an economic embargo onanother member state. As a member of the Arab League, Saudi Arabia participatedin a joint embargo on Israel for many years, despite its desire to enter theorganization. During 12 years of negotiations with the WTO, the Arab nation hadrefused to lift its embargo against Israel.” The Director General of the WTOdescribed Saudi Arabia’s decision as being an historic event that will pave theway for Saudi entrance into the trade organization next month.
2005:In “A shy wunderkind, Stephen Feinberg” Eytan Avriel described the businessworkings of the CEO of Cerberus.
2006:Nathan Cooper auditions for Chair Placement at the 60th annual All-State MusicFestival Nathan Cooper of Cedar Rapids Jefferson and a stalwart member of theCedar Rapids Jewish community, is one of a thousand outstanding high schoolmusicians who have been chosen to participate in this major cultural event atIowa State University
2006:Ross Posnock appeared at the Columbia University Bookstore for a discussion andsigning of his new book, Philip Roth's Rude Truth: The Art of Immaturity
2006:British religious and architectural charities appealed for help saving thecountry’s struggling synagogues as they marked the 350th anniversary of theresettlement of Jews in England after they were expelled by King Edward I.
2006(25thof Cheshvan, 5767): Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman passed awayat the age of 94.(As reported by Holcomb Noble)
2006:After a month of previews, “Mary Poppins, a musical with music and lyrics byRichard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman (the Sherman Brothers, opened at theAmsterdam Theatre today.
2006:National Jewish Book Month begins.
2007(6thof Kislev, 5768): Ninety-six-year-old Victor Rabinowitz, “a leftist lawyerwhose causes and clients over nearly three-quarters of a century ranged fromlabor unions to Black Panthers to Cuba to Dashiell Hammett to Dr. BenjaminSpock to his own daughter” passed away today.(As reported by Douglas Martin)
2007:Guest Conductor Roni Porat leads the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra an all-Mozartprogram, including Abduction from the Seraglio Overture, Symphony No. 35 in DMajor (Haffner), Serenade no. 6 in D Major and Serenata Notturna.
2007:After premiering at the Telluride Film Festival, “Margot at the Wedding”written and directed by Noah Baumbach and co-starring Jennifer Jason Leigh andJack Black was released today in the United States.
2007:Adi Shamir, a professor at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and oneof the world’s most prominent cryptographers issued a warning about ahypothetical scenario in which a math error in a widely used computing chipplaces the security of the global electronic commerce system at risk.
2007(16thof Kislev, 5768): Maine native Harold Alfond, philanthropist and Dexter Shoefounder passes away at the age of 93.
2007:It is time for another round of Dueling Jewish Economists. While on a trip toLondon, Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist said the U.S. economyrisks tumbling into recession because of the “mess” left by former FederalReserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. Greenspan defended his record and said thatStiglitz’s criticisms are “inaccurate or incomplete.”
2007:The Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign affairs announced that Reb Nachman’s grave inUman is a cultural site and cannot be sold. The announcement provides comfortto the followers of Breslov Chasidism that the grave site would sold to privateparties for commercial exploitation.
2008:Today’s issue of Makor Rishon contains Ya'akov Bar-On's interview withformer Chief Rabbi Israel Meir Lau who recently became Chairman of the Board ofYad Vashem.
2008:The Jewish Reconstructionist (JRF) Biennial Convention comes to a close inBoston, Mass.
2008:Final performance by the Inbal Dance Company of “Shaker.” This collaborationbetween Inbal Pinto and Avshalam Pollak looks and feels like an eerilybeautiful winter day. It is a dance-theater piece rich in poetic imagination,interspersed with unique humor and covered with snowflakes. This magical workis intended to make you feel as though you have entered the enchanted worldinside a snow globe.
2008:The 32nd annual Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show which featured 23 Israeliartists comes to an end.
2008:Congregation Beth Judea’s Family Education Weekend comes to a close in LongGrove, Il.
2008:In Chicago, the Spertus presents a lecture entitled “What Is LiteraryArchaeology?”
duringwhich Yair Zakovitch, Professor of Bible at the Hebrew University, discusses“how biblical narratives are designed to deliver messages” and explores “howthese accounts may reflect only one version of a complex and multifacetedstory.” Zakovitch’s most recent book is entitled That’s Not What the Good BookSays written with Avigdor Shinan.
2008:The New York Times book section features reviews of books by Jewishauthors and/or on topics concerning Jews or Judaism including Friendly Fire:A Duet by A. B. Yehoshua; translated by Stuart Schoffman and Chagall: ABiography by Jackie Wullschlager.
2008(18thof Cheshvan, 5769): The emotional legal battle over whether to keep a12-year-old New York boy on life support at Children's National Medical Centerended early today after the boy's heart stopped beating, a lawyer for the boy'sfamily said today. Motl Brody, who had been hospitalized in NorthwestWashington with brain cancer since June 1, was buried near his Brooklyn hometoday after a private funeral, said the family's lawyer, Jeffrey I. Zuckerman.
2008:Ami Ayalon announced he would be leaving the Labor Party for the left-wingreligious Meimad party
2009:Columbia University's Institute for Israel & Jewish Studies andAmerican Studies Program together with The Library of America present anevening with Meir Shalev Israeli Novelist, Essayist and Columnist who willdiscuss “The State of Israeli Literature.”
2009:Letters of Conscience: Raphael Lemkin and the Quest to End Genocide opens atYeshiva University Museum. “This exhibition focuses on the activities andlegacy of Raphael Lemkin, a Polish-American Jewish lawyer who coined the termgenocide, working relentlessly and inventively to protect the rights andsurvival of specific groups targeted for destruction. Organized jointly withthe American Jewish Historical Society and the Center for Jewish History, thisexhibition, which presents a fascinating array of original correspondence anddocuments, serves as a stirring and important reminder of an individual'sability to better humanity and the future.”
2009:Noralee Frankel discusses and signs Stripping Gypsy: The Life of Gypsy RoseLee at Busboys and Poets in Washington, D.C.
2009:Journalist Ariel Sabar discusses and signs his memoir, My Father's Paradise:A Son's Search for His Jewish Past in Kurdish Iraq as part of the SchapiroLecture Series held at the Enoch Pratt Free Library, Central Branch, Baltimore,Md.,
2009:After the revival of his play “Brighton Beach Memoirs” closed a week after itopened, Time magazine quotes Neil Simon as saying “After all theseyears, I still don’t get how Broadway Works.”
2009(29thof Cheshvan, 5770): Sixty-eight year old “Bobby Frankel, one of the mostsuccessful American thoroughbred trainers of the last 40 years, whose horsesincluded the champions Bertrando, Ghostzapper and Empire Maker, the winner ofthe 2003 Belmont Stakes, died today. (As reported by William Grimes)
2009: Excerpts of the diaries kept by Claretta petacci,Benito Mussolini's mistress, were published today that showed the Italiandictator to be "a fierce anti-Semite who proudly said that his hatred forJews preceded Adolf Hitler's and vowed to 'destroy them all.'"
2010:Dr. Laurie Ann Levin author of God, The Universe: Where I Fit and RebeccaRosen author of Spirited are scheduled to speak at the 19th AnnualBook Festival of the MJCAA in Atlanta, GA
2010:The New York Times featured a review of Cynthia Ozick sixth novel, ForeignBodies.
2010(9thof Kislev, 5771): Ronni Chasen was murdered today. Born in 1946 she was called "Hollywood'sultimate old-school publicist" by Los Angeles Times film criticPatrick Goldstein in an article posted about Ms. Chasen's murder.
2010:Montclair philanthropist Josh Weston was named an honorary fellow of theAcademic College of Tel Aviv-Yafo as part of today’s ceremony dedicating theinstitution’s Josh and Judy Weston School of Management and Economics Building.
2011:Martin Fletcher, author of “The List” and David Javerbaum, author of “The LastTestament” are scheduled to appear at the St. Louis Jewish Book Festival.
2011:David Amram was inducted into the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame and given theirJay McShann Lifetime Achievement Award for his sixty year career as one of thefirst jazz French hornists, a multi-instrumentalist, a pioneer of world music,a scat singer, the creator with author Jack Kerouac of Jazz Poetry in 1957, andone of the first conductors to bring the worlds of jazz and classical musictogether during the past fifty years.
2011:“Max Schmeling,” a film about the German boxer that includes tales of how heworked to save Jews, is scheduled to be shown at the Jewish Eye World JewishFilm Festival.
2011: Themeeting of the Jewish Agency for Israel’s Board of Governors is scheduled tocome to an end in Argentina.
2011: Joshua Maroof the rabbi at Magen David SephardicCongregation in Rockville, Maryland is scheduled to give the first in a series of lecturesentitled “Ezekiel: Prophet of Majesty, Mystery, and Hope.”
2011: A trio featuring Liza Stepanova –piano; Michael Katz – cello; Balazs Rumy – Clarinet is scheduled to performthis evening at Agudas Achim in Iowa City, Iowa.
2011: Iran today deniedpress speculation that Israel was behind the explosion at a military base nearTehran which killed 17 members of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC).
2011: Thousands of agingHolocaust survivors in the U.S. ¬want Congress to clear a path for them to sueEuropean insurance companies they contend illegally confiscated Jewish lifeinsurance policies during the Nazi era and have refused to pay an estimated $20billion still owed. A hearing is scheduled today in the House Foreign AffairsCommittee on a bill that would provide the survivors with access to U.S.¬courts and also force companies such as Germany's Allianz SE and Italy'sAssicurazioni Generali to disclose lists of policies held by Jews before WorldWar II.
2011: For the fourth timein the past month, Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor wrote aletter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and the UN Security Councilcondemning the continuing rocket fire emanating from the Gaza Strip
2011(19th ofCheshvan, 5772): Eighty-eight-year-old “Irwin Schneiderman, a lawyer and aphilanthropic leader who guided the New York City Opera through a decade of upsand downs” passed away today. (As reported by Douglas Martin)
2012: Dr. Jenny Carson ofthe University of Manchester is scheduled to a lecture entitled “QuakerService: The Friends Relief Service in Post-War Europe” at the Weiner Libraryin London. “Friends Relief Service (FRSO‘Team 100’ was one of the first relief teamsto enter the newly liberated “Camp of Bergen Belsen.”
2012(2ndof Kislev): On the Hebrew calendar in ancient Israel today would be proclaimedas a fast day if the rains had not begun to fall
2012:As Operation Pillar of Defense continues, Israeli officials have placedlimitations on those who can attend services at the mosque on the Temple Mountas a pro-active measure to avoid outbreaks of violence.
2012:Kathe & Gary Goldstein, pillars of the Cedar Rapids Jewish Communitycelebrate the birth of their second grandchild, the daughter of Chava andStephen Rosenbaum.
2012:As Jews around the world prepare to observe Shabbat, their hopes and prayersare with their co-religionists in Israel who have been subjected to rocketsattacks for several weeks by Hamas which is dedicated to the destruction of theJewish state and have been forced to take military measures to defendthemselves.
2012:Councilors selected Michael Mark Applebaum to serve as interim Mayor ofMontreal.
2012:“An Iron Dome anti-rocket defense system” was “placed in the Dan region” today.
2012:Two rockets landed outside of Jerusalem this evening as sirens rang out,causing no injuries or damage. Police reported there was "noindication" that rockets landed in the city, stating that "mostlikely, the rockets landed in an open area outside of Jerusalem."
2012:Defense Minister Ehud Barak approved the IDF's request this evening to increasethe maximum number of reservists it could enlist, seeking cabinet approval tomobilize up to 75,000 troops ahead of a possible Gaza ground operation.
2013:In Olney, MD, Shaare Tefila is scheduled to host is annual Chanukah Celebrationand Talent Show.
2013:In Herndon, VA, Congregation Beth Emeth hosts an evening with Stacey Beyer,“one of TIME Magazine’s Top 10 Starts of New Jewish Music.
2013:“Arabani” and “Dancing In Jaffa” are scheduled to be shown at the 7thannual Other Israel Film Festival.
2013:Provincial governor Hilario David III visited the the hospital in Bogo where hethanked “Israel for sending the medicalteam to the Philippines which was hammered by Typhoon Heiyan last week.” (Asreported by Tova Dvorin)
2013:Members of the IDF met with Phillipine officials to determine the best way toget aid to the devasted resident of Cebu in the wake Typhoon Heiyan.
2013(13thof Kislev, 5774): Ninety-year-old Yehiel Kadishai, a confidant and ally ofMenachem Begin, passed away today.
2013(13thof Kislev, 5774: Eighty-nine-year-old Louis D. Rubin, Jr. “a champion ofSouthern Literature” passed away today.
2014:The New York Times features books byJewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including WilliamWells Brown: An African American Life by Ezra Greenspan and the recentlyreleased paperback edition of The Kraus Project: Essays by Karl Kraustranslated and annotated by Jonathan Franzen with Paul Reitter and DanielKehlmann.
2014:The Skirball is scheduled to present “The People vs. Abraham” where prosecutorEliot Spitzer will charge the patriarch defended by Alan Dershowitz with“attempted murder and child endangerment.”
2014:In conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the fall of the BerlinWall, the Center for Jewish History is scheduled to present “Jews and theBerlin Wall.”
2014:Global Day of Jewish Learning, a project of the Aleph Society is scheduled totake place today.
2014:The Beth El Women of Reform Judaism (BE-WRJ) and the Brandeis NationalCommittee Northern Virginia Chapter are scheduled to host an afternoon withRabbi Roger Herst author of Rabbi Gabrielle’s Scandal, Dr. StantonSamenow author of Inside the Criminal Mind, Chervis Isom author of TheNewspaper Boy, Leslie Maitland author of Crossing the Borders of Timeand Beyhan Cargi author of The Ottoman Turk and the Pretty Jewish Girl.
2014:A thirty-two-year-old member of the Breslov Hassidic sect was stabbed in theback by an Arab man wielding a screw driver as he walked along a street inJerusalem this eveing.
2014: Israeldefeated Bosnia-Herzegovina 3-0 tonight in the UEFA 2016 European Championshipqualifying group B soccer match.
2014(23rd of Cheshvan): Sixty-two-year-oldCharley J. Levine, founder and CEO of Lone Star Commuincaitions who traded inthe Lone Star State for living under the Star of David passed away today.
2015(4tof Kislev, 5776): Eight-eight-year-old Seymour Lipkin, whose breakthrough camewhen at the age of 20, “he won first prize in the Rachmaninoff Fund PianoContest” passed away today. (As reported by Margalit Fox)
2015: “Labyrinth of Lies” and “To Life!” arescheduled to be shown in Sydney during the Jewish International Film Festival.
2015: “Director Steven Spielberg, Israeliviolinist Itzhak Perlman, singer Barbra Streisand, and playwright StephenSondheim were among the 17 recipients of the 2015 Presidential Medal of Freedomannounced” today.
2015: “HAGIGA – The Story of Israeli Cinema”is scheduled to be shown in Los Angeles at the 29th Israel FilmFestival.
2015: “Poland’s last Yiddish feature film, OurChildren” is scheduled to be shown today as part of the program “FirstResponse: Postwar Cinema and the Holocaust”
2016: The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research is scheduled to present “Outof the Ghetto: Struggle, Resistance, and the Human Spirit, The RingelblumArchive Publication Project” during which “historian Eleonora Bergman (Jewish Historical Institute inWarsaw) will discuss the monumental project to publish the entire Oyneg-Shabes Archive,secretly gathered in the Warsaw Ghetto by Emanuel Ringelblum and colleagues.”
2016: The Temple Emanu-El Skirball Center is scheduled to “what Is Israel’sStory Really About?” – a conversation with Dr. Daniel Gordis and JonathanGreenblatt.
2016” Curator Bonni-Dara Michaels is scheduled to lead a tour YeshivaUniversity Museum’s newest exhibition – “Uncommon Threads: Clothing and Textiles.”
2016: Historic Congregation Or VeShalom is the scheduled destination fortoday’s Historic Jewish Atlanta Tours.
2016: “A delegation led by US Air Force Gen. Joseph Lengyel, chief of theNational Guard Bureau, is in Israel through this evening to witness latestlocal developments in emergency responsiveness.
2016: “The world’s earliest-know complete stone inscription of the TenCommandments, described as a ‘national treasure’ of Israel sold at auctiontoday in Beverly Hills for $850,000.”
2016: Leonard Cohen’s manager, Robert B. Kory “offered more details abouthis client’s death today saying that he “died during this sleep following afall in the middle of the night on November 7” and that “the death was sudden,unexpected and peaceful.”
2016: “The Diary of Anne Frank” and “Fever At Dawn” are scheduled to beshown at Melbourne as part of the Jewish International Film Festival.
2016: Neshama Carlbach is scheduled to host a concert in commemoration ofthe 22nd Yahrzeit of her Father, Reb Shlomo Carlebach, ZT”L featuring thesinging of Abbie Strauss.
2016: Today Eva “Moskowitz met with United States President-Elect DonaldTrump” to discuss “a possible appointment in the Trump administration as UnitedStates Secretary of Education.”
2016: Gloria Steinem and Annie Leibovitz are scheduled to “lead a discussionon women’s rights and female incarceration in a public gathering” today
2017: “When a delegation of Reform movement leaders tried to hold aTorah-reading service” at Jerusalem’s Western Wall, “Rabbi Rick Jacobs,president of the Union for Reform Judaism was roughed up by security guard, oneof whom threated to spray him with mace” and “Anat Hoffman, chairwoman of Womenof the Wall, the feminist prayer group, was accosted by an ultra-Orthodox man,who tried to pull a Torah scroll out of her hands” “while “Rabbi Gilad Kariv,executive director of the Reform movement in Israel, was detained forquestioning by police…” (As reported by Forwards and Haaretz)
2017:“Leeann Tweeden, a Los Angeles-based news anchor and former model, wrote todayin an article that Al Franken, a Democrat who has served as a senator forMinnesota since 2009, groped her during a tour in the Middle East in 2006 whenFranken was a comedian and a writer
2017:The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host an “in-depthtext-based Gemara learning” session today “before the weekday meal.”
2017:Ashe Salah is scheduled to lecture on the 18th century travels oftwo Jews who left the Roman Ghetto – Amadio Abbina and Sabato Isacco Ambron atthe Center for Jewish History.
2017:“Remember Baghdad” and “My Mother’s Lost Children” are scheduled to be shown atthe 21st UK International Jewish Film Festival today.
2017:After the resounding success of last season’s concerts, St. Luke’s ChamberEnsemble is scheduled to come back to Temple Emanu-El in New York this evening.
2017:Jewish Book Month, an annual event that provides us with a chance tocontemplate the lives of Jewish authors such as Chaim Potok, whose worksincluded The Chosen and My Name is Asher Lev,and Jewish books for the next thirty days is scheduled to continue for afifth day.
2018:The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host a Shabbat Dinnerfollowing Kabbalat Shabbat services.
2018:In Des Moines, IA, author Dori Weinstein is scheduled to deliver “the dvarTorah about being an author at Tirfereth Israel” followed by a communitydinner.
2018:The Gershman Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screeningof “The Waldheim Waltz.”
2019:The UK Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host screenings of “When Harry MetSally,” “The Human Factor” and “How About Adolf?”
2019:In Los Gatos, CA, Congregation Shir Hades scheduled to host author MichaelDavid Lukas as he discusses The Last Watchman of Old Cairo, his novelwhich won the “2019 Sami Rohr Prize for Jewish Literature.’
2019:At Congregation Beth David, “The Addison-Penzak JCC and Silicon ValleyFederation are scheduled to co-host a service for a program that aims tostrengthen local synagogues and Jewish agencies.”
2019:The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to host an evening inthe museum is scheduled to “recognize a group of Holocaust survivors whovolunteer at the Museum, sharing their personal testimonies, serving as tourguides, translating historic materials, and more.”
2019:The Rutgers Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of “Tel Avivon Fire.”
2019(18thof Cheshvan, 5719): Parashat Va-ayra;
2020:The Documentary Film Festival at the National Library is scheduled to host a Q& A with filmmaker Danae Elon, the director and screenwriter for “ASister’s Song.”
2020:As if they need it, following yesterday’s rocket attacks from Gaza, Israelisawake to a world where they face the twin threats of death from the pandemicand death from terrorist.
2020:The Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of twodocumentaries – “Shared Legacies” and “In Your Eyes, I See My Country.”
2020:The UK Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host, online, the comedy “A Matterof Size.”
2020:The Columbus Jewish Festival is scheduled to host the final screening of “TheWorld Without You.”
2020:The JCC Literary Consortium is scheduled to co-present a “virtual book fest inyour living room” where “journalist Ariel Sabar talks about his book Veritas:A Harvard Professor, A Con Man and the Gospel of Jesus’s Wife.
2020:The Maine Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host the last screening of“Latter Day Jew” and the first screening of “Last Stop Coney Island.”
2020:The Peninsula JCC is scheduled to host a virtual presentation by “longtime BayArea social worker and Jewish community professional Rachel Biale as she talksabout her memoir Growing Up Below Sea Level: A Kibbutz Childhood, abouther life in Israel in the 1950s and ’60s.”
2020:The Long Beach Jewish Festival is scheduled to host the final screening,on-line of “The Spy Behind Home Plate.”
2021:The American Sephardi Federation is scheduled to present “Why Am I Bukharian IfI Am Not From Bukhara?” during which Manashe Khaimov will “explore importantparts of Bukharian Jewish culture…”
2021:The Illinois Holocaust Museum is scheduled to host a virtual book talk withDanny M. Cohen, author of Train, a novel based on an attempt by six teenagerstrying to escape the Nazi round-up in Berlin in 1943.
2021:The Jewish Arts Collaborative is scheduled to present, online, “You Will NotPlay Wagner,” a play that
2021:The Leo Baeck Institute is scheduled to present a virtual panel discussion on“Holocaust History in the 21st Century.”
2021:The Chicago Jewish Historical Society and the Illinois Holocaust Museum arescheduled to present Eric Benjaminson at a virtual lunch and learn lecturing on“My Family’s History: Jewish Victims and Fighters During the Holocaust in theEast.”
2022:The New York Library is scheduled to host an in-person and livestreamed exploration ofA.B. Yehoshua’s legacy and the role of Hebrew literature and languagein Israel and America with authors Joshua Cohen, Rivka Galchen, and Ruby Namdar.
2022: In New Jersey, JHMOMC is scheduled to present “AnAfternoon with Artist David Levy.”
2022: In partnership withthe Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Foundation the Streicker center is scheduled tohost a discussion centering around Feeding the Wil to Endure: Recipes fromthe Old World by The Auschwitz-Birkenau Survivors featuring “the teambehind this moving story of resilience, including survivors Tova Friedman,Michael Bornstein, Eugene Ginter and Rosalie Simon.”
2022: Funeral services are scheduled to be held at Agudas Achimfor ninety-two-year old University of Chicago graduate and University of Iowafaculty member Helen T. Goldstein, the widow of Professor Jonathan Goldsteinwith whom she raised two daughters Rise and Rachel.
2022: Based on previous published reports, French authoritiesare seeking extradition of Vincent Reynouardwho had been convicted of Holocaust denial, a criminal offense inFrance, multiple times and has so far escaped serving a four-month jail term inNovember 2020 and a further six-month spell in January 2021.
2022: YIVO and the Yiddish Book Center for the New York are scheduled topresent the premiere screening of Ver Vet Blaybn? (Who Will Remain?), a filmabout Yiddish poet Avrom Sutzkever.
2022:UK Jewish Film is scheduled to host a screening “Back In Berlin” and “PerfectStrangers.”
2022: Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture on Yohanan Plesner on Elections2022 in Israel: What Happened and What Lies Ahead?
2022:Civilized people everywhere mourn the death of Tamir Avihai, 50, was fromsettlement of Kiryat Netafim; Michael Ladygin, 36, immigrated 5 years ago,lived in Bat Yam with his family and Motti Ashkenazi, 59, had two grandchildren whowere murdered in a terrorist attack on November 15.
2023:The final screening of Aviva Kempner’s “A Pocketful of Miracles” is scheduledto take place at the Avalon Theatre in Washington, DC.
2023:The Jerusalem Biennale in New York is scheduled to come to an end today.
2023:As part of the Cleveland Jewish Book Festival, Mitch Albom is scheduled to appearat the Parma-Snow branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library
2023:In Coralville, IA, at Agudas Achim Synagogue Seniors member David Schapira,born in
IowaCity to one of the synagogue's founding families, is scheduled to talk abouthis Vietnam experiences recounted in his book, The Storyteller: Live forToday and Look Toward the Future.
2023”The American Jewish Historical Society is scheduled to host a luncheon withauthor and journalist Julie Salamon and NYT reporter and columnist AdamNagourney.
2023:In Marblehead, MA, JCCNS is scheduled to host an evening with Steven Hartov,author of The Last of the Seven.”
2023:As part of JWA’s “Jewish Women in the Medieval World” program Sara Gardner isscheduled to lecture on “Women’s Domestic Culture in Iberia.”
2023:The Streicker Center is scheduled to host an evening with Judy Collins as shereturns “to sing her way through her musical time machine and to share hermemories of Greenwich Village back in the days when she and the other pennilessdenizens of Gerde’s Folk City and the Gaslight jammed on Sundays in WashingtonSquare Park; when Bob was emerging from Zimmerman to Dylan;”
2023:Lockdown University is scheduled to host a lecture on Jacob Schiff: A CaseStudy.
2023:The Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host an encore screeningof “Remembering Marrakech.”
2023:As November 16, begins in Israel, the IDF pays a price in lives loss as itcontinues its efforts to fight the terrorists in Gaza, the possibility of athree-front war takes on a new reality after yesterday’s statement byAbdul-Malek al-Houthi head of the Iranian backed Houthis who have already beenfiring rockets and drones into Israel, “calling on the nations located betweenYemen and Israel to open a corridor to allow the group's considerable militaryforce fight Israeli troops directly, and warning that Israeli ships in the RedSea between the two countries would also be targeted” while the Hamas heldhostages including nine months old Kfir Bibas begin day 41 in captivity.(As reported by Mallika Soni, Hindustani Times)
(Editor’snote: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are justproviding a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time)
2024(15thof Cheshvan, 5785): Parashat Va-yayra (“Appeared” i.e., “And God appeared tohim…”); for more see
2024:Today at noon, in Jerusalem, Beit Agnon (Agnon House) is scheduled to host “a jointreading of Agnon stories” with Uri Greenspun who will lead a discussion ofAgnon’s “commitment to perpetuate the stories of his ancestors.”
2024:The Eden Tamir Center is scheduled to host “Flute Sounds in Ein Kerem” with NoamBuchman and Friends
2024:This evening, the Phoenix Cinema is scheduled to host the UK premiere of “Victory,”a “colorful and complex musical homage to La La Land is also a tributeto Israeli film and theatre through the decades as a young woman pursues herdream of becoming a famous actress at the same time her partner returns fromthe war.”
2024: This evening the Breman is scheduled to host the first session of theAtlanta Jewish Storytelling Festival.
2024:As November 16th begins in Israel, anunprecedented wave ofanti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengerson a New York subway to raise their hands, demonstrations at a high schoolproduction of “The Diary of Anne Frank” and the beating of a college student inChicago sweeps the United States and the Hamas held hostages begin day 407 incaptivity while Israelis brace for more rocket attacks by Hezbollah, Iran andterrorists based in Iraq(Editor’s note: this situation is too fluidfor this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting atmidnight Israeli time)