How Much Electricity Do I Need for My Home? (2024)

Electrical capacity isn't something you need to think about on a day-to-day basis, but it becomes important when planning upgrades, looking for new appliances, and installing kitchen or laundry essentials such as dishwashers and dryers.

Calculating how much power your home needs involves an electrical load calculation, knowing your home's electrical capacity, and making sure the load is using no more than 80 percent of it.

What Is Electrical Capacity?

Electrical capacity is the maximum amount of electricity a circuit, panel, or generator can handle before it short circuits, trips—or in the worst-case scenario, causes an electrical fire. It's measured in amperage (or amps).

You can estimate your home's electrical capacity based on its age.

  • Homes built before 1950 with knob-and-tube wiring and screw-in fuses typically have a capacity of 30 amps.
  • Homes built between the 1950s and 1960s tend to have a capacity of 60 amps.
  • Homes built from 1960-1980 (or upgraded older homes) will likely have a capacity of 100 amps.
  • Homes from 1980 onwards have a minimum capacity of 200 amps.
  • Newer homes have a capacity of 400 amps, with larger homes of 10,000 square feet and above seeing a higher capacity of 800 amps.

The main source of power in your home is an electrical panel: a metal box typically found in the basem*nt, utility room, or garage. The panel brings in electricity from external wires outside and distributes it to the branch circuits in the outlets throughout your home. It also contains a circuit breaker, which is a switch that can be turned on or off manually, and will automatically shut the system down in the event of an overload.

Plugging in everyday phone and laptop chargers, table lamps, small appliances, and fans won't make a big impact on your home's electrical capacity, but knowing the limit becomes important when installing or upgrading larger appliances such as laundry machines or heaters.

Electrical Capacity vs. Load

Electrical capacity is the amount of electricity your home can support, while electrical load is the amount actually being used.

Calculating how much power your home needs involves looking at the amperage load all of your appliances and fixtures consume, and making sure that load never exceeds 80 percent of the electrical capacity. If the load is regularly above 80 percent of the capacity, it's time to consider upgrading your electrical panel.

How Much Electricity Do I Need for My Home? (1)

How to Calculate Electrical Capacity

The first step to figuring out electrical capacity is to calculate the conversions between watts, volts, and amps—since you'll see all three of these terms used to describe electricity used. They can be converted in a couple of different ways:

  • Volts x Amps = Watts
  • Amps = Watts/Volts

Using these formulas will help you to understand all of the electricity in your home on the same measuring system, since appliances list their load in watts, while electrical capacity is often listed in amps, and outlets in the typical US home are 120 volts; while the overall system is 240 volts.

For example, a 20-amp, 120-volt branch circuit has a total capacity of 2,400 watts (20 amps x 120 volts), and with the 80 percent rule in mind, can support light fixtures and plug-in appliances adding up to 1,920 watts of power without the risk of circuit overload.

The same formula can be used to determine the capacity of the house's overall electrical service. Because a home's main service is 240 volts, the math looks like this:

  • 240 volts x 100 amps = 24,000 watts
  • 80 percent of 24,000 watts = 19,200 watts

In other words, a home with a 100-amp system can support up to 19,200 watts of power load at any given time.

How to Calculate Electrical Load

After you know the capacity of individual circuits and of the home's full electrical service, you can then compare this with the load, which you can calculate simply by adding up the wattage ratings of all the various fixtures and appliances that will be drawing power at the same time.

You can calculate the overall amperage needed to power your home with these steps:

  1. Add together the wattage capacities and ratings of all lighting branch circuits, outlets, and permanent appliances.
  2. Subtract 10,000.
  3. Multiply by 0.4.
  4. Add 10,000.
  5. Divide the total by 240.

A typical 1,500 square-foot home has an electrical panel with a 200-amp capacity, or 38,400 watts (calculated by multiplying 200 amps x 240 volts, and multiplying the total by 0.8 for the safety margin).

Example Electrical Loads

Total Capacity for a 1500 square foot home
(at 80% use)
Lighting Circuit (at 3W per square foot)4,500W
Heat Pump5,500W
Air Conditioner3,000W
Stove (per burner)1,500W
Laundry Circuit (washer and dyer)3,500W
Outlets (each)2,400W

While it's always best to be extra-cautious with electrical loads, remember you also don't run every electrical appliance and fixture in your house at the same time.

For example, you wouldn't always be running your washing machine, dryer, microwave, and dishwasher, and would only ever use the heater or air conditioner, not both. When using the table and adding up your total electrical load, you only need to factor in one of those appliances at a time.

Where to Find the Wattage of Your Appliances

The electrical load each of your appliances needs to run should always be clearly marked in watts on the back or bottom of the appliance, or on its metal nameplate. If the wattage isn't listed, the amps and volts might be instead, and you can multiply the amps by the volts to calculate the watts.

When to Call a Professional

While an electrical load calculation is something that can be done yourself using the different formulas, it's best to call a professional if you're unsure of your home's age or electrical capacity. They will be able to examine your electrical panel and share the amperage capacity for you to keep in mind moving forward.

If you're considering upgrading your home's electrical panel or oversizing the electrical service to prepare for future electric car purchases, high-powered hobbies such as pottery or welding, or a tankless water heater installation, you'll need to bring in the pros, too.

How Much Electricity Do I Need for My Home? (2024)


How Much Electricity Do I Need for My Home? ›

According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the average American home uses an average of 10,791 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per year. That's 29,130 watt-hours per day, which can be divided by 24 hours to get an average of 1,214 watts (W) to power a home throughout the day.

How much electricity do I need to run my home? ›

According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), the average American home uses an average of 10,791 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per year. That's 29,130 watt-hours per day, which can be divided by 24 hours to get an average of 1,214 watts (W) to power a home throughout the day.

How much electrical power do I need for my home? ›

Considering the average house only requires 1,223 watts of power to run, there's a good chance 10,000 watts will easily power your home. However, you will have to determine your personal energy consumption.

Is 1500 kWh a month a lot? ›

In Texas, a 2-bedroom apartment usually uses between 1,000 to 1,500 kWh per month. This can vary based on how energy-efficient the apartment is, if there are energy-hungry appliances, and how much heating or air conditioning is used. On average, this works out to about 33-50 kWh per day.

Is 400 kWh a month a lot? ›

This can help estimate how many kWh different-sized homes might use. A small apartment might use 400 kWh per month, while a large home could need closer to 2,000 kWh monthly!

Is 17 kWh per day a lot? ›

The average US household electricity consumption is 29 kWh per day, according to the most recent data from the US Energy Information Administration, which means the average kWh usage per month is around 870 kWh.

How many kw do I need to run a 2000 square foot house? ›

Average kWh usage for a 1,000 square foot home: 880 kWh. Average kWh usage for a 2,000 square foot home: 1,325 kWh. Average kWh usage for a 3,000 square foot home: 1,840 kWh. Average kWh usage for a 4,000 square foot home: 2.200 kWh.

How do I calculate how much power I need? ›

Simply multiply the power of the device (Watts) by the hours used each day.

Is 100-amp service enough for a house? ›

It may require careful planning and efficient appliances like heat pumps, but 100-amp service can be enough to kick fossil fuels out of your home.

How much does it cost to run a TV for 8 hours? ›

How Much Does a Large Screen TV Use? An LCD TV, which consumes about 120 watts, uses 0.12 kWh per hour. If it's turned on for 8 hours, it costs about 24p per day or approximately 3p per hour. However, if you have a plasma TV, which averages around 350 watts, it consumes 0.35 kWh per hour.

Is 5000 watts enough to power a house? ›

But in general, a generator that can provide between 5,000 and 7,500 watts would be enough to power a house. It could already accommodate an air conditioner, sump pump, refrigerator, laptop, TV, and some light bulbs.

How many kWh does a 2500 sq ft house use? ›

For Larger Homes:

As a general reference, here are estimated monthly kWh usage ranges based on home size: 2,500 sq ft – 1,250 to 2,500 kWh. 3,000 sq ft – 1,500 to 3,000 kWh. 3,500 sq ft – 1,750 to 3,500 kWh.

How many kWh does a 2 person household use? ›

How much electricity does a 2-person household use? The average two-person household uses 887 kWh per month in the US, according to the EIA. However, this figure varies from region to region based largely on climate conditions and the prevalence of gas versus electric appliances.

How many kW to run a 3 bedroom house? ›

The average US home with 3 bedrooms uses 32 kWh of electricity per day or around 966 kWh per month. However, this figure ranges from 19 kWh per day in California to 44 kWh per day in Louisiana.

Can a 5000 watt generator run a house? ›

A generator that can provide between 5,000 and 8,000 watts would be enough to power a typical house. With this generator size, homeowners can expect to power essential appliances such as the air conditioner, sump pump, refrigerator, laptop, TV, and light bulbs.

How much electricity does an average 2000 sq ft house use? ›

Average kWh usage for a 1,000 square foot home: 880 kWh. Average kWh usage for a 2,000 square foot home: 1,325 kWh. Average kWh usage for a 3,000 square foot home: 1,840 kWh. Average kWh usage for a 4,000 square foot home: 2.200 kWh.

Is 7.5 kW enough to run a house? ›

A generator that can provide anywhere between 5000 - 8000 W would be enough to charge a typical household. With a 7500-watt generator, you can expect to charge almost all the essential household appliances, such as air conditioners, refrigerators, sump pumps, light bulbs, and TVs.

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